An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


French and Indian War, 34
French horn, 115, 168
in Rhapsody in Blue, 319
French people
in Canada, 20, 22, 24
in Louisiana, 112, 286
“Frère Jacques,” 312
Fresh Prince, 544
Fresh Prince of Bel Air (T V series), 544
freylekh, 526–28
Fried Shots (after Weber), 111
Friml, Rudolf, 233, 234, 275, 372
Fritz, Our German Cousin (Emmet), 271
Frizzell, Lefty, 458
“From Spirituals to Swing” concert, 337
front line, 287
frottoir, 521, 523
Fry, William Henry, 121, 126, 185
Frye-Martin Quartet, 340
“Fuck tha Police” (N.W.A.), 543
fuging tunes, 64, 66, 69, 78
“Ful il sa,” 521, 523–24
“Fun, Fun, Fun” (Wilson), 454
funk, 459, 461, 468, 487, 538
and rap, 510
in 1970s, 478–81
Funkadelic, 478
Funk Brothers, the, 463, 464
Funkentelechy vs. the Placebo Syndrome
(Parliament), 478
“Funky Drummer,” 463
“Funky President (People Say It’s Bad)”
(Brown), 478
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the
Forum, The (Sondheim), 486
fusion, jazz-rock, 482–85
Fyffe, A labama, 74, 75

Gabriel, Charles, 270, 342
Gaelic Symphony (Beach), 163c, 185,
Gaiety Girl, A, 235
galant style, 22
“Gallant Seventh, The” (Sousa), 167
gallery orchestra, 32
Galli-Curci, Amelita, 307
gamelan, 491
gangsta rap, 543–45
Gann, Kyle, 550
gapped scale, 215, 517
“gap,” the, between composer and
audience, 388–89, 410, 468,
549–52, 556
Garbage (band), 540
García, Manuel, 110
García, Maria. See Malibran, Maria
Gardella, Tess, 277
Garfi eld, James A., 266
Garland, Hamlin, 193
Garland, Judy, 364, 364
Garrison, Arvin, 398
Garrison, Lucy McKim, 225, 226
Garrison, William Lloyd, 153
Gaskin, George J., 179, 180
Gauthier, Eva, 318

gavotte, 48
Gay, John, 58–59
Gaye, Marvin, 464, 478
General Allotment Act (1878), 206
generation gap, 423, 424, 437, 440
Generation X, 537
Genesis, 472
Genesis of a Music (Partch), 491
Gennett Studio (Richmond, Indiana),
“George Copway’s Dream Song,” 209
Georgia, shape-note singing in, 73; see
also Savannah
Georgia Jazz Band, 261
Germania Musical Society, 122
German infl uence
and Gottschalk’s music, 130
in late nineteenth century, 186,
187, 191, 193
German people
early settlers, 39–42
and folk song, 205
as professional musicians,
57–58, 126
shape-note singing of, 73
Germany, 191–92
immigration from, 389
Gershon, Grant, 554
Gershwin, George, 236, 254c, 255c,
274–75, 275 , 278, 305, 317–24,
318 , 323–24, 328, 365, 376,
397, 401, 414, 527, 546
concert music of, 318–23
estate income of, 414
harmony of, 278
musicals of, 275
piano style of, 318
songs of, 379
Gershwin, Ira, 274, 275, 275 , 278, 317, 365
“Get Off the Track!” (Hutchinson
family), 152–56, 153
“Get Up (I Feel Like Being a) Sex
Machine” (Brown), 478
G-funk, 543
Ghost Dance, 514, 515
Gibbons, Billy, 469
GI Bill, 388
Gilbert, Alan, 550–51
Gilbert, Henry F. B., 194
Gilbert, Ronnie, 431
Gilbert, William S., 233
Gilbert and Sullivan, 233, 234
Gillespie, John Birks “Dizzy,” 378, 397 ,
403, 531
Gilmore, Jimmy Dale, 539
Gilmore, Patrick S., 165–66, 233
Gilmore’s Band, 165–66, 233
Ginsberg, Allen, 434, 435
girl groups, 452, 538
Girls of the Golden West, 343
Girl Talk, 549, 549
“Gladiator, The” (Sousa), 167
Glass, Philip, 386c, 449–51, 487,
489–90, 496, 498
glees, 57, 143

Glover, Melvin (Mel Melle), 510, 511
Gnarls Barkley, 544, 549
“God Bless America” (Berlin), 355
“God Bless the Child,” 482
“Go Down, Moses” (spiritual), 162c,
225, 226
“God Save the King [or Queen],” 223
Godspell (Schwartz), 485
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 120
Goffi n, Gerry, 452, 452
“Goirtin Ornadh” (Irish tune), 189
Gold Diggers of 1933 (fi lm musical), 343
Gold Rush, 114
Golijov, Osvaldo, 552
“Gone, Gone, Gone” (Gershwin), 323
Gone with the Wind (fi lm), 363
“Goodbye Pork Pie Hat” (Mingus), 400
Goodman, Alice, 498
Goodman, Benny, 255c, 330,
376–78, 414
Goodman, Jerry, 483, 484
“Goodnight, Irene” (Leadbelly), 350,
386 c, 431
“Good Rocking Tonight,” 421–23
“Good Times,” 481, 510
Gordon, Dexter, 397
Gordon, Robert Winslow, 349, 359
Gordon, Wycliffe, 534
G or d y, B e r r y, Jr., 3 8 6c, 463
Gorillaz, the, 544
Gorney, Karen Lynn, 479
Gospel Hymns (Sankey), 162c, 174
gospel music
black, 337–41
infl uence on Motown style, 463
infl uence on soul, 463
and soul jazz, 402
white, 173–74, 342, 427
“Got a Home in That Rock”
(spiritual), 227
“Go Tell It on the Mountain” (arr.
Burleigh), 228
“Got My Mojo Working” (Waters), 421
Gottschalk, Louis Moreau, 121, 123–30,
129 , 185, 188
aesthetics of, 128
compositions of, 125–28
concert programming of, 125,
tours of, 128, 129
Gould, Nathaniel D., 66
Gounod, Charles, 184
Grace, Susan, 448
Graceful Ghost (Bolcom), 496
Grammy Awards
Wynton Marsalis, 532
Queen Ida, 521
Grandmaster Flash, 509 , 510, 513
Grandmaster Flash and the Furious
Five, 510–12
Grand Ole Opry (WSM radio, Nashville),
254 c, 265, 415, 419, 429, 457
Grand Theater (Buffalo), 177
Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck), 458
“Grapes of Wrath” concert, 354, 357

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