An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Lerner, Alan Jay, 406
“Lester Leaps In” (Young), 379, 380
“Let Me Ride,” 543
Lewis, Ed, 351–53
Lewis, Jerry Lee, 425
Lewis, John, 400, 406
Lewis, Ramsey, 441
Lewis, Sam M., 236
LeWitt, Sol, 450
Liberty Party, 153
“Liberty Song, The” (Dickinson),
46, 47
Liberty Theater (New York), 275
Library of Congress, 291, 349, 355
libretto, 59
licks, 261
Lightnin’ Rod, 510
light shows, 456
“Like a Rolling Stone” (Dylan), 453
Like a Virgin (Madonna), 505–6
Lima, Peru, 129
Lincoln, Abraham, 159, 311
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
(New York), 446, 532, 533
Lincoln Gardens (Chicago), 294
Lincoln Memorial (Washington, D.C.),
255 c
Lincoln Portrait, A (Copland), 311
Lincoln University, 227
Lind, Jenny, 19c, 113, 113
Lindsay, John, 292, 409
lining-out, 29, 30, 92, 93
Liszt, Franz, 125, 184, 191, 278, 322
literacy, musical, 69
psalmody and, 29, 33, 67
Little, William, 67, 70
Little Big Horn, Battle of, 207, 210
Little Night Music, A (Sondheim, Prince,
and W heeler), 486 , 486–88
“Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane”
(Carson), 263
Little Richard (Richard Penniman),
425, 425
Little Rock, Arkansas, 325
Little Walter (Walter Jacobs), 421
“Live in HD” (Metropolitan Opera),
387 c, 550
Liverpool, England, 453
“Livery Stable Blues” (Original
Dixieland Jazz Band), 289
Lloyd Weber, Andrew, 485
Locke, A lain, 324
Lockwood, Lewis C., 162c, 224–25
Loewe, Frederick, 406
Lomax, A lan, 74, 90, 218, 254c, 291,
349 , 349–55, 359, 432
Lomax, Bess, 355
Lomax, John, 254c, 350, 359
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 209
“Longings” (Dunbar), 327
long meter, 28, 36
long-playing (LP) record format,
405, 413
Longshaw, Fred, 261, 262
long ways dances, 49

Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, 165
looping, 508–9
Lorca, Federico García, 447, 449
“Lord Randal,” 435
Lorena (Webster), 174
Los Angeles, California, 512
big bands in, 376, 378
gangsta rap in, 543
hardcore punk in, 507–8
heav y metal bands in, 506
Los Angeles Master Chorale, 554
Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra,
550 , 551
“Lost Highway” (Payne), 419–20
Louis Armstrong Park (New Orleans,
Louisiana), 98
Louisiana, 97–100; see also New
Orleans; Shreveport
Cajun and zydeco music, 519, 521 ,
western swing in, 345
Louisiana Hayride (radio show), 419, 429
Love, Mike, 455
Love in a Village (Bickerstaff and Arne),
59, 60
“Love Me Do” (Lennon and
McCartney), 453
love songs, 147–50
twentieth century, 275–79, 407,
430, 538
“Love’s Theme” (Barry W hite’s Love
Unlimited Orchestra), 479
Love Supreme, A (Coltrane), 445
“Love Train” (O’Jays), 478
Lower East Side, New York City, 526
Lower West Side, New York City, 435
LP record format, 405, 413
Lucas, George, 500
Luening, Otto, 390
“Lullaby” (Emmet), 271
Lulu Belle and Scotty, 343
Lummis, Charles F., 222 , 222–23
Lunceford, Jimmie, 378
Luther, Martin, 25
Lynn, Loretta, 419, 457, 475, 539
Lynyrd Skynyrd, 469
Lyon, James, 32, 33

M. Witmark & Sons, 162c, 176
Ma, Yo-Yo, 550
MacArthur Foundation “genius
grant,” 339
Macbeth (fi lm), 368
MacDonald, Jeanette, 234
MacDowell, Edward, 163c, 188, 191–96,
192 , 210, 278
views on American nationalism
in composition, 193, 195–96
MacDowell, Marian Nevins, 188,
191–92, 192
MacDowell Club (Boston), 189
MacDowell Colony (Peterborough),
188, 192
Machito (Frank Grillo), 403
“Macho Man,” 479

Maddalena, James, 498
Madison Square Garden, 548
Madonna, 505–6
Madonna (album), 505
magnetic recording tape, 413
Magnifi cent Seven, The (fi lm), 371
Maguire, Thomas, 114
Maguire-Lyster Company, 114–15
Maguire’s Opera House (San
Francisco), 114–15
Mahavishnu Orchestra, The, 483–85
Mahler, Gustav, 307, 363
mainstream jazz, 531
mainstream popular music, 415, 472
disco and, 481
mainstream rock, 481
“Majority” (Ives), 197
“Make Believe” (Kern and
Hammerstein), 276
Malcolm X, 440
Malibran, Eugene, 111
Malibran, Maria García, 110, 111 , 112
Mallet, Alain Manesson, 24
“Mama Tried” (Haggard), 458,
460–61, 464
mambo, 403
“Mambo no. 5” (Prado), 403
managers, 60, 112–14, 231, 235
mandolin, 172
in bluegrass, 415–17, 416
in brother duos, 343
in country music, 419, 420
in jazz, 409
in jug bands, 337
“Manhattan” (Rodgers and Hart), 371
Manhattan Project, 552
“Man I Love, The” (Gershwin),
278, 318
Manitou Mysteries (Heinrich), 124
Mann, Barry, 464
“Mannish Boy” (Waters), 421
Manson, Marilyn, 537, 537 , 538
Manual of the Boston Academy of Music
(Mason), 78
Maple Leaf Club (Sedalia, Missouri), 239
Maple Leaf Rag (Joplin), 239–41, 250
marcenillier, Le (Gottschalk), 125
band performances of, 197
characteristics of, 167
Civil War, 157
colonial period, 54
ragtime and, 239, 241
by Sousa, 166–70
Marconi, Guglielmo, 266
Marcus, Greil, 434
mariachis, 518
Marilyn Manson, 537, 537 , 538
Marine Band. See United States
Marine Band
Mark, Brian, 138
Marks, Edward B., 176, 181–82, 242, 244
Marks, Johnny, 344
Marmarosa, Michael “Dodo,” 398
Marsalis, Wynton, 532–35, 533 , 535

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