An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Olmsted, Frederick Law, 89
Olsen, Edward, 47
Olympic Theater (New York), 111
Omaha Dance, 515
Omaha Indian nation, 210–11, 515
Omaha Tribe, The (Fletcher and La
Flesche), 163c, 211
“On Broadway” (Lieber and Stoller), 452
114 Songs (Ives), 196–201
Onéota, or Characteristics of the Red
Race of America (Schoolcraft),
Ongaku (Cowell), 286
“Only a Pawn in Their Game” (Dylan),
436 , 437, 438
“On the Banks of the Wabash”
(Dresser), 199
On the Road (Kerouac), 435
On the Transmigration of Souls
(Adams), 552
Onward, Christian Soldiers (Sullivan), 224
On Your Toes (Rodgers and Hart), 371
“Open Thy Lattice, Love” (Foster), 148
adaptability of, 111
adaptations of, 109
African American, 237
burlesques of, 111
compared with Broadway
musical, 406
conductors of, 306
defi ned, 59
eighteenth century, 59–60
excerpts arranged for parlor, 151
excerpts performed in minstrel
shows, 143
French, in America, 114
infl uence on parlor songs, 147
Italian, in America, 18c, 110–12
musical theater and, 406
in New Orleans, 18c, 98, 111, 114,
123, 125, 286
in New York, 110–13, 126,
232–33, 490
nineteenth century, 109–15, 126
nineteenth-century American, 126
in Philadelphia, 95, 112, 126
radio broadcasts of, 307–8
in San Francisco, 19c
star performers, 111, 113
t w e nt iet h ce nt u r y, e a rl y, 2 32 – 33
twentieth-century American,
241–42, 309, 323–24, 391, 490
operettas, 166, 168, 232–34, 275
integrated musicals vs., 373
musical comedy vs., 234–35
ophicleide, 115
Optigan, 540, 541
“¡O Qué suave!” (Oh, how gentle),
22, 23
oral tradition and transmission, 110
in African American cultures, 87,
103, 239, 295–97
of blues, 256
of British ballads, 216–18

psalmody, 29, 31
and sheet music publishing, 264
Orange, New Jersey, 79
“Orange Blossom Special,” 343
oratorios, 66, 68, 118, 533, 552; see also
Handel and Haydn Society
Orchestral Manoeuvers in the
Dark, 501
orchestral music, American compos-
ers of, 126, 185–89, 192, 201,
203 , 204, 282, 306, 307, 391
orchestras, 57–58; see also dance bands
and orchestras
Moravian, 40–41
nineteenth century, 116, 122,
for opera, 183
outdoor concerts, 184
programming of, 122, 126, 183–85
ragtime, 242
twentieth century, 305–8
orchestration, 322–23
Organizer, De (Johnson), 328
in church, 21, 39, 40, 53, 119, 123
electric, 453, 469, 470
in rhythm and blues, 421
Original Dixieland Jazz Band, 254c,
289, 297, 375
Orioles, the, 421
Ornstein, Leo, 281, 283
Ornstein School of Music (Philadel-
phia), 281
“Orphan Girl” (Welch), 540–42
Orpheum circuit, 177
Orpheus and Eurydice, 539
Ory, Edmund “Kid,” 292, 294, 295
Osage Indian nation, 515, 516
ostinato, 284, 404, 405
“O Superman” (Anderson), 499
Oswald, John, 548
“O Tannenbaum,” 156
oud, 454
Our Town (fi lm), 367
out chorus, 293
Outkast, 544
outlaw country, 474–75, 539
overdubbing, 413
“Over the Rainbow” (Arlen), 364
Owens, Buck, 458
ownership, concept of, 209, 359; see
also copyright laws
and hip-hop, 542
“Oy, s’iz gut,” 527–29
“Oye como va,” 469, 470

Pace, Harry, 258
Pachelbel, Charles Theodore, 18c, 39
Pachelbel, Johann, 39
Padilla, Juan de, 18c, 21
Page, Jimmy, 469
Page, Patti, 413–15, 457, 481
Page, Walter, 377 , 378, 380
Paine, Lewis, 88

Palais Royal Orchestra, 318
Palestine Liberation Organization, 552
Pal Joey (Rodgers and Hart), 371, 406
Palmer, Ray, 81
Palomar Ballroom (Los Angeles), 376
Pan American Association of
Composers, 308
pandiatonic harmony, 371
paniolo, 524
pantribalism, 514–18
“Papa Loves Mambo” (Como), 403
“Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag” (Brown),
parades, 54
Paragon Ragtime Orchestra, 251
Paramount Records, 332
Paris, Treaty of, 34
Paris Conservatory of Music, 125, 191
Paris Exposition Universelle, 192
Parker, Charlie, 396–400, 397 , 535
Parker, Henry Taylor, 186–87
Parker, Horatio, 196, 198, 233
Parker, John Rowe, 124
Parker, Junior, 427
Park Place Gallery (New York), 450
Park Theater (New York), 60, 110–11
parlando, 528
Parliament, 478
parlor songs, 132, 145, 147–60, 279
courtship and love, 147–50
sentimental, 150–51, 172–73
social reform, 151–56
of Hiawatha, 210
in labor songs, 223, 224
political, 45–47, 53
of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 144
Parry, Sir Hubert, 216–17
Parsons, Gram, 539
Partch, Harry, 446, 491, 492
Parton, Dolly, 419, 539, 548
Pasión según San Marcos (Golijov), 552
Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti (Shahn),
313, 313
pasticcios, 59
patriotic music
anti-British, 45–47, 53
band performances of, 54,
Loyalist, 45–47
nationalism and, 373
orchestral arrangements of, 165
quoted in concert music, 124, 129
in tunebooks, 38
of African American dance
bands, 249
in Europe, 44
government, 309, 351
of jazz, 533
of modern music, 309, 446
of opera, 232, 309
of orchestras, 185, 305–6, 309
Patti, Adelina, 237
patting juba, 89

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