An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Guthrie’s songs vs., 358
infl uence on Rhapsody in
Blue, 322
jazz and, 414–15
in musicals, 275–79, 406
nineteenth century, 60–61, 84,
137, 141–43, 145, 172–73
standards, 274, 414
subjects in, 181
Tin Pan Alley. See Tin Pan Alley
popular sovereignty, 205
popular sphere, 110, 530, 556
copyrighting of traditional
material, 268
Porg y and Bess (Gershwin), 255c,
323–24, 539
Porg y and Bess (Miles Davis/Gil Evans
LP), 400
Porter, Cole, 278, 318, 376, 381, 383–84,
407, 414, 546
Porter, Roy, 398, 399
post horn, 116
postminimalism, 498, 552
postmodernism, 447, 495–500, 539
Potter, Tommy, 397
Powell, Specs, 383
pow wow, 514, 516 , 516–17
Prado, Pérez, 403
praise, concept of, 68–69, 80, 84, 174,
Pratt, Adam, 517
Pratt, Mrs. Doc, 217
“Preacher, The” (Silver), 402
precentor, 28, 93
Preminger, Otto, 300
prepared piano, 386c, 393, 394
Presbyterian Church, 32–33
Presbyterians, 96
preservationists, 432, 434
Presidential Medal of Honor, 300
Presley, Elvis, 112, 427–30, 428 , 453,
457, 473, 548
Pretty in Pink (fi lm), 501
Price, Florence, 325, 327–28
Price, Ray, 457
Primitive Baptists, 416
Prince, 501, 502
Prince, Hal, 486–87
Princess Theatre (New York
City), 275
Princeton University, 390, 497
prison, 350
“Prisoner’s Song” (Dalhart), 266, 267
producer, 413
and dance mixes, 481
program music, 126, 191, 198, 201,
203, 301
progressive rock, 472, 481
Prohibition Era, 290, 298, 376
Prokofi ev, Serge, 306
promotion. See advertising and pro-
Protestants; see also specifi c sects and
colonial period, 22–41

early black congregations, 90,
evangelical, 73, 173–74
musical split in, 68
Pentecostal, 338–41
revivalist, 80–82, 459
protest songs, 151, 434, 437–39
Providence, Rhode Island, bands
in, 116
psalmody, 26–36, 41, 118; see also
black singers of, 90
infl uence on concert music, 186
lining-out practice, 29
Mason’s contributions to, 76–78
meter in, 28, 36
in New England, 31–32, 34–38, 41,
64–70, 76–84
reform of, 66–69, 118
Southern practices of, 69–74
psalters, 26–30, 92
psychedelic music, 454, 456, 456
and 1970s funk, 478
Psycho (fi lm), 499–500
“Psycho Killer” (Talking Heads),
Public Enemy, 543, 545, 547
publicity. See advertising and
publishing, music; see also sheet music;
Tin Pan Alley
of blues, 257–58, 324
of concert music, 310
copyright laws and, 61
of dance tunes, 49
economics of, 79–80
of gospel hymns, 338, 341
of jazz, 290
of ragtime, 239
of sheet music, 107–8, 145–46,
174–82, 242–45, 257, 275,
317, 341
of tunebooks, 31–33, 64, 67, 71–72,
77, 107, 427
Puente, Tito, 403 , 403–5, 469, 470
Puff Daddy (Sean Combs), 544
Pulitzer Prize for Composition, 391
William Bolcom, 497
John Harbison, 497
Jennifer Higdon, 552
Wynton Marsalis, 532–33
punk rock, 469, 473 , 473–74,
481, 506
Purina Mills Checkerboard Time, 343
Puritans, 26–27, 31, 48
views on dancing, 48
views on theater, 58
push (in War Dance), 516–18
Pushmataha, a Venerable Chief of a
Western Tribe of Indians
(Heinrich), 124
Putnam’s Camp, Redding, Connecticut
(Ives), 201
Put’s Golden Songster, 221
Pythagorean tuning, 492

al-Qaeda, 553
quadrille, 116, 122, 286
Quakers, 38
Quapaw Indian nation, 516
Quarrymen, the, 453
quartet choirs, 119
quartertones, 491
Queen Ida (Ida Lewis Guillory),
521–24, 522
quickstep, 116
quotation; see also borrowing
in Berlin’s “Alexander’s Ragtime
Band,” 246, 248
in Copland’s music, 311
in Ives’s music, 198–201

“race” records, 260–61, 333, 421, 423
racism, 86–87, 132, 242, 244, 290, 297,
324, 329, 430–31, 535; see also
slavery; stereotypes
and gospel music, 338
radio, 298, 309, 551
Basie band broadcasts, 377
beginning of broadcasting, 254c
black, 423–24, 427, 463
border blasters, 341–42
country music broadcasts, 343, 415
early days of, 266
and early R&B, 423
folk-song broadcasts, 354
Goodman band broadcasts, 378
gospel broadcasts, 427
and home music making, 265
invention of, 266
opera broadcasts, 307–8, 427
orchestra broadcasts, 307–8
rock and roll on, 386c, 424
radio barn dances, 265
raga, 483
Rage Against the Machine, 538
ragtime, 238–45, 243 , 247, 532
defi ned, 239
jazz and, 286–87, 291
opposition to, 290
orchestras, 242
in Rhapsody in Blue, 322
songs, 245–47
Sousa’s dislike of, 167
Ragtime Championship of the World
Competition, 244
Ragtime Dance, The (Joplin), 243
ragtime songs, 246
Raiders of the Lost Ark (fi lm), 502
railroads, 351–53
Rainbow Room (New York), 359
Rainer family, 151
Rainey, Gertrude “Ma,” 261, 261 ,
337, 338
Ramone, Joey, 473, 473
Ramones (LP), 473
Ramones, the, 473, 507
rancheras, 518
Randall, James Ryder, 156–57
rap, 386c, 509–13, 535, 543–45
rap metal, 538

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