An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Rapone, Al, 521, 523
rappers, 510
“Rapper’s Delight” (Sugar Hill Gang),
386 c, 510, 545
African American, 88
Native American, 24
Rauschenberg, Robert, 395
Ravel, Maurice, 278, 306
Rawlings, David, 540, 541
R&B. See rhythm and blues
RCA Victor Records, 429
Read, Daniel, 64–66, 74
Ready to Die (Biggie Smalls), 544
Reagan, Ronald, 495
Reagon, Cordell, 437
rebellion, in rock music, 536
of Gottschalk, 129–30
of Heinrich, 124
of Ives, 203
of Joplin, 242
of modernism, 280
of Oklahoma!, 372
of twentieth-century classical
A merican music, 490, 549–52
Reconstruction, 237
Recording Industry Association of
America (RI A A), 387c, 547
recordings. See sound recordings
recording tape, 413
record producer, 413
Red Bank, New Jersey, 377
Redding, Otis, 463
Red-Headed Stranger (Nelson), 474
Red Hot Peppers, 254c, 290, 291
Redman, Don, 298
Redmond, Rita, 181
Red Pony, The (fi lm), 367, 368, 368
Red Pony Suite, The (Copland), 368–70
Red Scare (1950s), 431
Reed, Eric, 534
Reed, Lou, 499
reed organ, 173, 261, 262
Reeves, Goeble, 344
Reeves, Jim, 457
Reformation, 25
refrains, hymn, 92
reggae, 463
reggaeton, 545
Regular Singing, 29–31, 33
Reich, Steve, 386c, 387, 449–51, 450 , 487,
489, 490, 498, 552–53, 556
Reinagle, Alexander, 107–8
Reinhardt, Max, 363
religion, in Welch’s “Orphan Girl,” 540
religious music, Christian; see also
specifi c sects, denominations,
and genres
African American traditions of,
100–104, 337–41
evangelical camp meetings,
evangelical revivals, 173–74
instruments in, 21, 39–41

Protestant, 22–41
Roman Catholic, 21–24
religious right, 495
R.E.M., 508
Reminiscing in Tempo (Ellington), 329
remixes, 387, 548
Reno Club (Kansas City), 377
“reproducing piano,” 241
Republic Studios, 368
responsorial texture, 88; see also
call and response
Return to Forever, 483
reverb, 413
Revere, Paul, 34, 35
revival. See folk revival
Revival (Welch), 540
revivalism, 73, 80
Revival March (Sousa), 168
Revolutionary War. See War of
revues, 232
Rexford, Eben, 172
Reznor, Trent, 537
rhapsody, 322
Rhapsody in Blue (Gershwin), 254c, 275,
301, 318–23, 325, 328, 329
Rheinberger, Josef, 186
Rhode Island School of Design, 473
rhythm; see also syncopation
African approaches to, 96
in American music, 310
in Billing’s Chester, 36
in Brown’s “Papa’s Got a Brand
New Bag,” 461, 462
in Carter Family’s music, 270
in Carter’s music, 391
in Chadwick’s music, 186
Crawford’s “Chinaman,
Laundryman,” 316
in disco music, 479
in Ellington’s Diminuendo and
Crescendo in Blue, 329
in Emmett’s “Dixie,” 159
in Foster’s “De Camptown
Races,” 140
in Foster’s “Jeanie with the Light
Brown Hair,” 148
in Foster’s “Open Thy Lattice,
Love,” 148
in gospel, 340
habanera, 187
in jazz, 535
in “John Henry,” 351
in Johnson’s “Walking Blues,” 333
in Latin music, 469, 470
in Mason’s Olivet, 81–82
in minimalist music, 490
in Motown style, 463–64
in Old Hundred, 20
in Peter’s “Ich will dir ein
Freudenopfer than,” 41
in psalmody, 66
in Read’s Sherburne, 66
in rhythm and blues, 421
in rock and roll, 430

in Root’s “Battle Cry of
Freedom,” 157
slave songs, 225
Sousa marches, 170
and swing, 375–76
in Webster’s “Sweet By and By,” 174
in western swing, 347
in Williams’s “Lost Highway,” 419
in Wondrous Love, 74
rhythm and blues, 421–23, 451–52,
audience for, 430
instrumentation of, 421
rhythm changes, 379, 380
rhythm section
Count Basie band, 377–79
in big band swing, 375–76
in Marsalis’s “Devotional,” 534
in western swing, 346
Rice, Thomas D. “Daddy,” 19c, 133
Richard Allen Singers, 93
Rich Men of Massachusetts, The, 80
Ricordi (publisher), 228
Riddle, Nelson, 415
ride cymbal, 378
“Ride On, King Jesus” (arr. Burleigh),
Ridgley, William, 409
Righteous Babe Records, 539
Righteous Brothers, the, 464
Right Will Prevail, The (labor song),
Riley, Herlin, 534
Riley, Terry, 446, 449–50, 487, 498
Rimbaud, Arthur, 453
ring dancing, 99, 101
ring shouts, 101, 341
Rinzler, Ralph, 432
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 129
riot grrrl movement, 539
Rip Van Winkle Overture
(Chadwick), 186
Rise and Fall of Zigg y Stardust and the
Spiders from Mars, The
(Bowie), 485
Ritchie, Jason, 218
Ritchie, Jean, 218–20, 358
Rite of Spring, The (Stravinsky),
307, 449
River, The (Thomson), 309
Rivera, Chita, 408
RKO studios, 255c, 364
Roach, Max, 402
Roberta Martin Singers, 340
Roberts, Charles Luckeyeth
“Luckey,” 328
Roberts, Lynne, 345
Robertson, David, 47
Robeson, Paul, 327
Robinson, Fred, 296
Robinson, Smokey, 464
Robinson, Sylvia, 510, 511
Rochberg, George, 446, 447, 496
Rochberg, Paul, 447
Rochester, Vermont, 499

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