An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


“School Day” (Berry), 425, 426
School of Ragtime: 6 Exercises for Piano
(Joplin), 239
schottische, 116, 117, 286
Schuller, Gunther, 406
Schuman, William, 306, 391,
423 , 446
Schumann, Robert, 184
Schwantner, Joseph, 446
Schwartz, Jean, 236
Schwartz, Stephen, 485
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 501
scientifi c music (musical “science”), 77,
118, 124
Scott-Heron, Gil, 510
scratching, 508
Scruggs, Earl, 417, 432
Sea Hawk, The (fi lm), 363
Seattle Symphony Orchestra, 305
second (in War Dance), 516
Second Great Awakening, 68, 73, 80
Second (Indian) Suite (MacDowell), 192,
194–95, 210
Sedaka, Neil, 452
Sedalia, Missouri, 238–39, 241
Seeger, Charles, 283, 311–13, 317, 357,
357 , 432
Seeger, Mike, 357, 357 , 432
Seeger, Pegg y, 357 , 433
Seeger, Pete, 255c, 312, 357–59, 431,
432, 436, 437, 437 , 439
Seeger, Ruth Crawford, 286, 305,
311–17, 357, 357 , 432
segregation, 163c, 431
Seidl, Anton, 192
Select Harmony (Brownson), 32
Select Harmony (Law), 67
Selena, 518
Seneca Indian nation, 210
September 11, 2001, terrorist
attacks, 537
serenades, 148
“Serenity” (Ives), 197
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
(the Beatles), 454, 456
serialism, 316, 390–91, 446, 496
Serra, Junipero, 18c, 21
Serra, Richard, 450
Sessions, Roger, 308, 390
settlement, European American,
20–22, 24, 103, 220–23
Seven Songs for the Harpsichord or Forte
Piano (Hopkinson), 53
78 rpm record, 260, 413
Cajun music, 521
Seward, Theodore F., 226
Sex Pistols, the, 473, 507
sexuality, 538
dance and, 48
in popular songs, 178, 181–82, 244
in rock and roll, 430
1960s revolution, 538
Shadow, 548
Shaft (fi lm), 479
Shahn, Ben, 313

“Shake, Rattle, and Roll,” 429
Shakers, 48, 311
Shakespeare, William, 58, 368, 407
Shakira, 545
Shakur, Tupac, 543, 543 , 544
“Shall We Gather at the River,” 367
Shamblin, Eldon, 348
Shanewis (Cadman), 233
shape-note hymnody, 67, 69–76, 70 , 342
sharecropping, 236–37
Sharp, Cecil, 163c, 216–18, 217 , 358, 359
Shaw, Artie, 378
sheet music
blues numbers, 257–58
fi rst American publishing of, 18c
minstrel songs, 143
from musicals, 276
nineteenth century, 60–61, 107,
111, 145–47, 172–73, 220–21
parallels with remixes and
mash-ups, 549
parlor songs, 147–60
ragtime, 239
silent-movie music anthologies,
Tin Pan Alley, 174–82, 242–44,
246, 317
“sheets of sound,” 445
Shepp, Archie, 443
Sherburne (Read), 64–66, 74
Shines, Johnny, 333, 336
Shirelles, the, 452
Sho-Jo (Griffes), 282
Shorter, Wayne, 483
short meter, 28
shouters, 101
shouts, ring, 101, 341
Show Boat (Kern and Hammerstein),
254 c, 274–76, 276 , 372, 373, 375
show business, 59, 172, 210, 429
African Americans in, 238, 296
show songs, 246
show tunes, standards, 274
Shrader, Arthur F., 47
Shreveport, Louisiana, 429
Shuffl e Along (Sissle and Blake), 324–25
side drum, 116
signifying, concept of, 295–96, 301, 379
silence, 393, 395
Silence (Cage), 396
silent movies, 361–62
Silk Road Project, 550
Silver, Horace, 402, 441
“Silver Threads among the Gold”
(Danks), 151, 172–73
Simeon, Omer, 292
Simon, Paul, 452 , 474, 521
Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra, 551
Simone, Nina, 441
“Simple Gifts” (Shaker tune), 311
Simpsons, The (T V series), 502
Sims, A lexander D., 100
Sinatra, Frank, 373, 414–15, 453, 459, 481
Sinbad (Romberg & Atteridge), 163c,
235–36, 274, 317

“Since I Laid My Burden Down,”
268, 270
Sinfonia (Berio), 447
Sinfonia of London, 503
Sing Along with Mitch (T V show), 414
singer-song writers, 474, 538–42
African approaches to, 94, 96
of Anglo-American ballads, 416
in bluegrass, 415–16
in blues, 257, 333–35
on early country recordings, 263
fasola technique, 72
gospel, 340, 341
gospel quartets, 427
in jazz, 381–84
of parlor songs, 147
Pestalozzian method, 78, 79
in rhythm and blues, 421
in 1960s jazz, 441
Southern sacred practices of,
69–74, 416
singing cowboys, 344–45
singing families and groups, profes-
sional, 151–56, 226, 267–70
singing masters, 31, 67
Singing Master’s Assistant, The
(Billings), 38
singing schools, 69
gospel quartets and, 427
in New England, 31–33, 64,
68, 78
single (45-rpm record), 386c, 412–13
Singleton, Zutty, 296
Sing Out! (magazine), 432
Sioux nation, 212
Siouxsee and the Banshees, 473
Sissle, Noble, 249, 324–25
“Six Days on the Road,” 419
“Sixty Minute Man” (Ward and
Marks), 424
Sjerven, Judy, 154
slack key guitar, 524–26
slavery, 19, 20, 86–90, 96–100, 98 , 132,
144, 152, 224–27
Slave Songs of the United States (Allen
and Ware and Garrison),
162 c, 225–26
Sleater-Kinney, 539
“Sleep, Baby, Sleep” (Rodgers), 271
slide, 274
slide guitar, 333–35
Slim Shady LP, The (Eminem), 544
“Slow March” (Ives), 197
Sly and the Family Stone, 478
Smalls, Biggie, 544
Smalls, Charlie, 485
“Smells Like Teen Spirit,” 537
Smiles of a Summer Night (fi lm), 486
Smith, Bessie, 261–63, 289
Smith, Clarence “Pinetop,” 337
Smith, Gregg, 37, 158
Smith, Harry, 434
Smith, Jimmy, 441
Smith, Mamie, 254c, 260, 261, 263

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