An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, 325
rock; see also rock and roll
amplifi cation in, 453–54
Bob Dylan’s 1965 Newport
appearance, 439
Latin, 469, 470
in the 1960s, 451–56
in the 1970s, 468–74
subjects in, 538
women performers of, 538–39
“Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie
Melody” (Schwartz, Young,
and Lewis), 236
rock and roll, 133, 423–32
amplifi cation in, 430
coining of term, 424
collaboration in, 427–28
disco and, 481
“girl groups,” 538
infl uence on Motown style, 463
musical traits of, 430
in 1990s–2000s, 536–38
racial issues in, 424
recording and audio technolog y
in, 427–28, 430
rhythm and blues’ infl uence on,
subjects in, 538
“Rock around the Clock,” 386c, 430
Rockin’ Dopsie, 521
“Rock Island Line, The” (Leadbelly), 350
“Rock of Ages,” 540
“Rock of ages, cleft for me,” (Toplady), 83
rock opera, 485
Rodeheaver, Homer, 342
Rodeo (Copland), 311, 367, 371
Rodgers, Jimmie, 254c, 267, 270 ,
270–74, 341, 344, 474
Rodgers, Richard, 278, 318, 371–76,
406, 407, 415, 443
Rogers, Ginger, 250, 255c, 364, 365
Rogers, Roy, 344
Rolie, Gregg, 472
Rollie, Bill, 154
Rolling Stones, the, 453, 472, 482, 519
Rollins, Sonny, 402, 531
“Rollin’ Stone” (Waters), 421
Roman Catholics
in Louisiana, 123
missionaries, 20–22
religious music of, 21–24, 22
Romania, 526
romantic love. See love songs
Romberg, Sigmund, 234–36, 275, 372
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), 407
Roof Scrambler, The (after Bellini), 111
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 329
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 309, 329
Root, George Frederick, 78–79, 83–84,
157, 158, 181, 199, 223
Roots, the, 544
roots music, American, 514–30
roots rock, 538
Roseland Ballroom (New York), 298
Rose-Marie (Friml), 234

Rosenbaum, Art, 101
“Rosetta” (Hines), 397
Ross, Diana, 464, 485
Rossini, Gioachino, 110, 122
Rósza, Miklós, 363
Rouse, Christopher, 446
Rouse, Ervin, 343
Rouse Brothers, 343
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, 190
Rubber Soul (the Beatles), 454
Rubinstein, Anton, 184
Rubinstein, Artur, 307
Rudhyar, Dane, 282, 283, 311
“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”
(Marks), 344
Ruggles, Carl, 282–83, 286, 312
rumba, 403
Run-DMC, 512
Rushing, Jimmy, 346, 377
Russell, Henry, 150–51
Russia, 526

“Sacco, Vanzetti” (Crawford), 313
Sachs, Joel, 314
Sac Indian nation, 516
Sacred Concerts (Ellington), 330
Sacred Harp, The (W hite and King), 19c,
73–74, 76, 342
Sacred Harp singing, 70 , 74–76
Sacred Melodies, from Haydn, Mozart,
and Beethoven, 77
Sahm, Doug, 519
“Sailor’s Hornpipe” (dance tune), 50
Sailor’s Landlady, The, 107, 109
St. Cecilia Society (Charleston), 56
St. Charles Theater (New Orleans), 114
St. Cyr, Johnny, 292, 295 , 409
St. George’s Episcopal Church (New
York City), 228
St. Lawrence River, 20
“St. Louis Blues” (Handy), 257–59,
261–63, 289, 324
St. Philip’s Church (Charleston), 39
Saint-Saens, Camille, 184
actors’, 60
opera singers’, 112
Salem, Massachusetts, 28, 57–58
Salem, North Carolina, 40, 41
Salem Brass Band, 165
Salem Collection of Classical Sacred
Musick, The, 67
Salinger, J. D., 423–24
salon Mexico, El (Copland), 310
saloons, concert, 177
salsa, 479, 545
Salt-n-Pepa, 544
Salzedo, Carlos, 281
samplers, 512, 545, 551
sampling, 543
legal issues, 545–46
San Antonio, Texas, 344
Sand Creek Massacre, 207
San Francisco, California, 508
minimalism in, 449–50

opera in, 19c, 114–15
rock music in late 1960s, 456
touring groups in, 129, 232, 233
San Francisco Conservatory, 497–98
San Francisco Symphony
Orchestra, 305
San Francisco Tape Music Center,
392, 450
Sankey, Ira, 162c, 173 , 173–74
San Quentin prison (California), 458
Santa Claus Symphony (Fry), 126
Santana, 469–72
Santana, Carlos, 469, 472, 472 , 506
Santiago, Chile, 129
“Sara” (Dylan), 474
Satan, 333
Satie, Erik, 280, 309
satire; see also burlesque
in blackface minstrelsy, 133, 141
Saturday Night Fever (fi lm), 479, 479
savane, La (Gottschalk), 125
Savannah, Georgia, 76, 77
Savoy Records, 421
Saw yer, Charles C., 159
Sax, Adolphe, 115
saxhorns, 115, 116
in bands, 168
in bebop, 396–400
in dance bands and orchestras,
299, 300
in jazz, 287, 377–79
in R&B, 421
in Rhapsody in Blue, 319
in Swing Era, 255c, 377 , 379,
380, 400
in western swing, 346, 347
“Say It Loud, I’m Black and I’m Proud”
(Brown), 478
blues, 257
modal, 217
Native American music, 211
scat singing, 295
scherzo, 189
Schiff, David, 321
Schifrin, Lalo, 500
Schiller, Friderich von, 120
Schocked, Michelle, 539
Schoenberg, Arnold, 280, 307, 312, 316,
318, 389–91, 393, 552
scholarship, music; see also critics and
Anglo-American folk song
collectors, 216–20
ethnomusicolog y, 286
on jazz, 412
on popular music, 412
preservation of Native American
music, 210–12, 215
transcriptions of slave songs,
transcriptions of Spanish songs,
Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 208–9

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