An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


in popular songs, 239, 245
in ragtime, 239, 242, 244–45
in Rhapsody in Blue, 322
in Root’s “Battle Cry of
Freedom,” 157
in work songs, 90
Syndicate (booking agency), 177
synergy, 501
synthesizer, 540
System of a Down, 538

T. B. Harms (publishing fi rm), 176
tag (coda), 180
tail (in War Dance), 518
tailgate style, 287, 293
Takebe, Yoko, 550
“Take Five” (Desmond), 405
“Take the A Train” (Strayhorn), 299
“Taking Off” (Milton Brown’s Musical
Brownies), 346
talas, 483
“Talk About Jesus” (Dorsey), 339, 340
Ta l k i n g B o o k (Wonder), 478
Talking Heads, 473–74
tambourine, 93, 115, 453
in churches, 338
in minstrel shows, 95, 134, 136
Taming of the Shrew, The (Shakespeare),
Tammany Hall (New York City), 244
Tampa Red, 337
tango, 259, 403
Tannenberg, David, 40
tape, magnetic recording, 413
“tape-bow violin,” 499
“Tara” theme (Steiner), 363
“taro patch” tuning, 524–26
Tarras, Dave, 527
Tatan ka-ohi tika (Brave Buffalo), 212–15
Tate, Nahum, 26
Taylor, Billy, 532
Taylor, Cecil, 443, 482
Taylor, James, 474
T-Bone Slim, 355
Tchaikovsky, Piotr Il’yich, 278
teachers. See dancing masters;
education; music masters;
singing masters
Teagarden, Jack, 346
technolog y, audio, 427–28, 449, 450
tejano, 518
television, 406, 414, 505–6
“Live in HD,” 550
music for, 500
Presley appearances on, 429
Television (band), 473
temperance movement, 152
Temple Emanu-El (New York City), 228
Temple of Minerva, The. See America
in bluegrass, 415
in dance music, 50
in jazz, 535
in rock and roll, 430

Temptations, the, 464
Te n n e s s e e, 2 17; see also Memphis;
“Tennessee Waltz,” 415
10,000 Maniacs, 508
“Tenting on the Old Camp Ground”
(Kittredge), 159–60
tent-repertory shows, 265
terrorism, 553
Te r r y, S on ny, 3 5 0
Teton Sioux Music (Densmore), 163c, 212
Teton Sioux (Lakota) people, 212–15
Te x a s
border blasters, 341–42
country music in, 344
norteño, 518–19
Spanish settlement of, 21
western swing in, 345
“Texas Plains” (Hamblen), 344
Texas Playboys, 346–48, 347
Texas Tornados, 519
Te x-M e x (norteño) music, 518–21
text setting; see also song texts
of Berlin, 246, 247
of Billings, 36
of country music, 419
of Foster, 148
in hymns, 23
of “If I Had a Hammer,” 432
of Ives, 197–98
of Mason, 81–82
in popular songs, 278–79
of Read, 64, 66
of Wondrous Love, 74
in Carter’s music, 391
in Ives’s music, 198, 201
unblended, 69, 94
“That Mysterious Rag” (Berlin), 245–47
“That’s All Right,” 428
“That Silver-Haired Daddy of Mine”
(Autry), 344
“That’s the Way I Like It,” 479
theater, 172
colonial period, 58–60
economics of, 60
music in, 60
nineteenth century, 60, 144
Theater Owners Booking Association
(TOBA), 177, 260
Théâtre d’Orléans (New Orleans), 112
theme and variations. See variations
Theodore Thomas Orchestra, 162c,
183–85, 192
Theosophy, 282
“They Can’t Take That Away from Me”
(Gershwin), 318
Thief of Baghdad (fi lm), 363
“Things Our Fathers Loved, The”
(Ives), 199–201
Third Stream, 406
third-wave feminism, 539

(^33 1) / 3 -rpm LP record format, 405, 413
thirty-two bar form, 247, 276, 278, 376,
379, 381, 398, 407, 443, 527
Thomas, Rufus, 427
Thomas, Theodore, 121, 128, 162c,
183–85, 184 , 305, 410
Thompson, Hank, 419
Thompson, Lucky, 398
Thomson, Virgil, 367, 423
works of, 309, 391
Thoreau, Henry David, 201
Thornton, Sigrid, 486
Thornton, Willie Mae “Big Mama,” 421,
429, 451–52
thrash metal, 506
Three Compositions for Piano (Babbitt),
Three Moods (Ornstein), 281
Three Paeans (Rudhyar), 282
Thriller (Jackson), 505
through-composed music, 41, 42, 319
Thurber, Jeannette, 195
ticket auctions, 113
Tides of Manaunaun, The (Cowell),
Tierney, Louie, 348
timbales, 403, 403
timbre, African aesthetics of, 94
Time Out (Brubeck), 405
Times They Are a-Changing, The
(Dylan), 437
Tin Pan Alley, 162c, 174–82, 176 , 232,
242–48, 276, 278, 317, 318,
457, 464, 524
blues and, 256, 258
and early country music, 264
Tiomkin, Dimitri, 363
title music, 363
toasting, 509, 510
“To a Wild Rose” (MacDowell), 193–94
Toccata and Fugue in D minor
(Bach), 167
Tocqueville, A lexis de, 76
“Tom Dooley,” 431–32
To mmy (the W ho), 485
“Tom shows,” 144
tonality, 496
tone clusters, 281, 283 , 284
“Tonight” (Bernstein and Sondheim),
Top Hat (fi lm), 365, 365
topical songs, 432, 436
Toplady (hymn), 83
Toplady, Augustus M., 83
Tormé, Mel, 441
Toscanini, Arturo, 306, 307
totalism, 550
bands, 166, 170, 252
concert musicians, 113, 128, 129
country music, 429
dance bands and orchestras, 300,
377, 378
Fisk Jubilee Singers, 226
gospel groups, 340
Hutchinson family, 151–52, 156
minstrel companies, 134–35,
142, 176
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