An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


tours (continued)
musicals, 238
opera companies, 112, 232
orchestras, 122, 184
soul groups, 459
theatrical companies, 60,
177–78, 180
vaudeville, 180
Tower, Joan, 446
trading fours, 379
traditional sphere, 110
copyrighting of traditional
material, 268
Trail of Tears, 206
trains, 351–53
Tra m p, Tra m p, Tra m p (Root), 223
transcendence, concept of, 297
applied to folk song, 431
applied to jazz, 535
as ideal of classical music, 110
in Ives’s music, 201, 203
transcendentalism, 201, 203
of African American music, 225
of Anglo-American ballads,
of Native American music, 208, 211
of Spanish American music,
Transformation (Schuller), 406
Travers, Mary, 437
Travolta, John, 479, 479
Tre e m o ni s h a (Joplin), 241–42, 323
Trepagnier, Ernest, 409
Trevathan, Charles E., 244
triangle, 115
Tribe Called Quest, A, 544
Trinity Church (New York), 90, 119
“trio,” in marches, 168, 170
tritone, 397
tritone substitution, 397, 399
trochaic meter, 29
in bands, 168
in dance bands and orchestras, 299
in jazz, 287–89, 292, 293, 295, 296,
299, 301, 302, 409
in western swing, 346
Trouble Girls: The Rolling Stone Book of
Women in Rock, 539
trumpet, 50
in bands, 115, 116, 168
in dance bands and orchestras,
299, 301
in Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue, 319
growling technique, 301
in jazz, 294, 400–402, 443
in Still’s Afro-American Symphony
(Still), 325
in western swing, 346
Tsiang, H. T., 313
tsimbl, 526
tuba, 168
in jazz, 287
in Rhapsody in Blue, 319

Tubb, Ernest, 344
Tucker, Henry, 159
Tudor, David, 395
Tufo, Vincent, 138
Tufts, John, 31
tunebooks, 77–80, 83, 118
Northern vs. Southern types, 70
publishing of, 31–33, 67, 71–72, 80,
107, 427
reform, 67
shape-note, 73–74, 284
“Turkey in the Straw” (fi ddle tune),
134, 267
turkey trot, 245, 250, 409
turnaround, 259, 263
Turner, “Big” Joe, 421, 429
turntablism, 508
Turpin, Tom, 239
Tuskegee Institute, 227
twelve-bar blues form, 258–59, 273,
287, 288, 302, 325, 326, 329,
335, 422, 426, 461, 462
12-inch single, 481
Tw i n s (fi lm), 501
Two Ricercari (Crawford), 313
two-step, 409
Tyler, John, 152
Tyner, McCoy, 444
Tyrolese Minstrels, 271

Über die Musik der nordamerikanischen
Wilden (Baker), 162c, 210
Uggams, Leslie, 414
ultramodernists, 281–83, 311
ululation, 518
Unanswered Question, The (Ives), 201
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 144, 144 , 210
underscoring, 362
undertones, 492
Union, The (Gottschalk), 129
unison singing, 26
Unitas Fratrum. See Moravians
United Booking Offi ce of America, 177
United Kingdom, rock and roll in, 453
United Quartet (Cowell), 286
United States (Anderson), 499
United States Marine Band, 166,
167, 171
sound recordings of, 169–72
University of California at Berkeley,
283, 390
University of California at Los Angeles
(UCL A), 389, 393
University of California at Santa
Cruz, 540
University of Georgia, 508
University of Illinois, 492
University of Michigan, 496
University of Pennsylvania, 552
University of Texas (Austin), 349
Upland South, 71m
upright bass. See double bass
Urania, or A Choice Collection of Psalm
Tu n e s, Anthems, and Hymns
(Lyon), 32–33

urban folk song/folk revival, 349–59,
431–39; see also folk revival
“urban folk” singer, 358
Urrey, Frederick, 140
Ussachevsky, Vladimir, 390

Vagabond King, The (Friml), 234
Vallee, Rudy, 381
Valparaiso, Chile, 129
vamp, 247, 258, 405, 444, 461, 462
Van Buskirk, John, 140
Vandré, Philipp, 394
Van Halen, 506
Van Heusen, Jimmy, 415
Van Ronk, Dave, 435
Van Veersbilck, David, 138
Van V leck, Jacob (watercolor), 41
Van Zandt, Townes, 475
vaqueros, 524
Varèse, Edgard, 281–83, 307, 308,
324, 392
Variants on a Theme of Thelonious Monk
(Schuller), 406
variations, 146, 284, 285, 492
in folk ballads, 218
Variet y (magazine), 414, 414
variety houses, 177
Vatican, Council of (1962-65), 21
vaudeville, 177–78, 180, 237, 244, 294
and dissemination of songs,
vaudeville blues, 260
Vaughan, Sarah, 441, 442 , 531
Veal, Reginald, 534
Velvet Underground, 473
Venez uela, 551
Ventures, the, 454
Venuti, Joe, 497
Verdi, Giuseppe, 125, 165–66, 410
Ver mont, 499
verse, in popular songs, 276, 373–75
vibraharp (vibraphone), 325, 400
vibrato, 135
Victoria, queen of England, 95
Victor Recording Company, 267, 268,
271, 290, 376
Vietnam War, 440, 469
Village People, 479
“Villikins and His Dinah,” 221
Vincent, Leopold, 163c, 223
Vinson, Eddie “Cleanhead,” 421
viola, 124
violin, 50, 124; see also fi ddle
in Harrison’s Concerto in
Slendro, 491
in jazz, 409–10
in klezmer music, 526
in Rhapsody in Blue, 319
tape-bow, 499
Violin Concerto in D major (Bolcom),
Violin Concerto in D major (Korn-
gold), 363
Violin Phase (Reich), 450
Virginia; see also Williamsburg

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