An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Love Me Tonight(Mamoulian), 106,
107, 109, 260, 261, 298 n,
395, 418
Lovering, Otho, 366
Loves of Queen Elizabeth, The
(Desfontaines and
Mercanton), 442
Lovett, Lyle, 405
Low, Warren, 365
low-angle shot, 7, 8,260–63,261, 262
Lower Depths, The(Gorky), 208
Lower Depths, The(Kurosawa), 326
low-key lighting, 102,238, 240–41
Loy, Myrna, 321
Lubitsch, Ernst, 182, 254, 399
The Merry Widow, 199
Trouble in Paradise,109, 390
Lucas, Caryn, 143
Lucas, George, 240,281, 282, 309,
344, 372, 475, 517
Star Wars, 68, 127
Star Wars: A New Hope, 68, 156
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace,
THX 1138, 97
Lucas, Marcia, 372
Lucasfilm, 391
Luhrmann, Baz, 176, 176, 307
Moulin Rouge!,108, 307
Luke, Keye, 313
Luketic, Robert, 312
Lumet, Sidney, 275, 398, 474, 493
Dog Day Afternoon, 130
Lumière, Auguste and Louis, 56, 72,
194, 439, 439,448, 515
Lumière, Louis, 59
Lund, Kátia, 187, 188, 358
City of God,53, 54,93, 376
Lundgren, Siv, 370, 372
Lupino, Ida, The Hitch-Hiker, 96
Lurie, John, 473
Lust, Caution(A. Lee), 470
Lust for Life(Minelli), 182
Lynch, David, 130, 202, 391, 474, 490
Inland Empire, 82
Lost Highway, 96
Mulholland Dr., 70
Lynd, Laurie, Breakfast with Scot, 314
Lyne, Adrian, 422
Lynn, Vera, 398


M(Lang), 262,319, 390, 444
MacDonald, Jeanette, 260, 395, 496

MacDonald, Joe, 237
“MacGuffin,” 41–42
Mackendrick, Alexander, 233,234, 239
Sweet Smell of Success, 96
Mackendrick, Alexander, Sweet
Smell of Success, 322
MacLaine, Shirley, 130, 314
MacMurray, Fred, 94,130, 345, 400
Macy, William H., 290, 406
Mad Max 2(Miller), 98
Madonna, 182
Maggiorani, Lamberto, 200,456, 457
magic lantern, 437
magnetic sound recording, 391
Magnificent Ambersons, The(Welles),
199, 267, 326, 400
Magnol, René, 400
Magnolia(Anderson), 406
Maguire, Tobey, 236, 311
Mahon, Kevin, 402
Maielli, Claudio, 415, 415
Main, Marjorie, 315
Major, Grant, 199
Major Dundee(Peckinpah), 105
major roles, 315
makeup, seecostume, hairstyle and
Making an American Citizen(Blaché),
Malcolm X(S. Lee), 517
Malick, Terrence, 151, 156, 258, 259,
265, 293, 400, 474
Badlands,123, 258, 475
Days of Heaven,123, 155
The New World,42, 45, 314
The Thin Red Line, 346
The Tree of Life, 27, 84, 281
Malkovich, John, 191, 288, 305, 317
Malle, Louis, 458
Murmur of the Heart, 459
Maltese Falcon, The(Huston), 94, 96,
155, 260, 260, 315, 328
Mamet, David, 400
Mamma Mia!(Lloyd), 107
Mamoulian, Rouben, 193, 235, 252,
254,260, 261,298, 318, 322,
395, 398, 418
Applause,107, 390
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 199
Love Me Tonight, 106,107, 109
Manchurian Candidate, The
(Frankenheimer), 312
Manera, Albert, 409
Man Escaped, A(Bresson), 398
Manhattan(Allen), 239

Mankiewicz, Herman J., 146
Mankiewicz, Joseph L., 191, 302, 502
All about Eve, 307
Cleopatra, 302
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, 419
Suddenly, Last Summer, 302
Mann, Aimee, 406
Mann, Anthony, 242, 459
Man of the West, 105
The Naked Spur, 105
Winchester ‘73, 105
Mann, Daniel:
Butterfield 8, 302
The Teahouse of the August
Moon, 312
Mann, Michael, 291
Collateral, 490
The Insider, 364
The Last of the Mohicans, 314
Public Enemies, 293
Man of a Thousand Faces(Pevney), 193
Man of the West(Mann), 105
Man on Fire(T. Scott), 82
Manthan(Benegal), 472
Mantle, Anthony Dod, 243
Man Who Fell to Earth, The(Roeg), 98
Man Who Knew Too Much, The
(Hitchcock), 200
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The
(Ford), 105
Man Who Wasn’t There, The(J. Coen),
96, 231, 421, 422
Man with the Movie Camera, The
(Vertov), 448, 448
Many Mules, 314
Mara, Rooney, 140
March, Fredric, 193, 203, 321
Marchand, Corinne, 460
March of the Penguins(Jacquet),
4, 488
March of Time, The, 147
Marcoen, Alain, 57
Mardi Gras(Goulding), 499
Marey, Étienne-Jules, 436, 437
Margot at the Wedding(Baumbach),
306, 307
Mariano, Rosanna, 372
Marie Antoinette(Van Dyke), 192,193,
Marilyn Times Five(Conner), 81
Marker, Chris, 458
La Jetée, 459
marketing and distribution, 507–12,
Marks, Owen, 358


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