An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Marquand, Richard, 191, 281
Marriage of Maria Braun, The
(Fassbinder), 464
Marsden, Jason, 392
Marsh, Mae, 295
Marshall, Frank, Alive, 133
Marshall, Garry, 143
Pretty Woman, 492
Marshall, George, Destry Rides
Again, 105
Marshall, Herbert, 256, 256
Marshall, Rob:
Chicago, 108
Pirates of the Caribbean: On
Stranger Tides,85, 293, 516
Martelli, Otello, 210
martial arts genre, 201, 209, 468
Martin, Catherine, 176
Martin, Mardik, 152
Marton, Andrew, 156
Marvel Comics, 145
Marx, Karl, 445, 449
Marx Brothers, The, 108, 109
mask, 250, 372
Mason, James, 260, 261
Mass for the Dakota Sioux(Baillie), 81
Massina, Giulietta, 328
Mast, Bruce F., 474
Mast, Gerald, 445
Master and Commander: The Far
Side of the World(Weir),
282, 326
master scene technique, 359
master shots, 359, 362
Masumura, Yasuzo, 466
match cuts, 364–67, 366
graphic, 366
match-on-action cuts, 364–67, 366
Maté, Rudolph, 278
D.O.A., 96
Matewan(Sayles), 272
Mathieson, John, 267, 282
Matras, Christian, 266, 268
Matrix, The(Wachowski and
Wachowski), 49, 50,59, 176,
211, 277, 282, 315, 351, 404
Matrix, Themovies (Wachowski and
Wachowski), 25, 53, 97, 469
Matrix I(Whitney), 81
Matrix II(Whitney), 81
Matrix Reloaded, The(Wachowski
and Wachowski), 405
Matrix Revolutions, The(Wachowski
and Wachowski), 405
Mattey, Robert A., 280

Matthau, Walter, 304, 314
Mature, Victor, 414
Maumont, Jacques, 400
Maurice, Clément, 295
maverick producers and directors,
Max Factor & Company, 192
Mayer, Carl, 155
Mayer, Louis B., 495, 496n
Maysles, Albert, 475
Maysles, Albert and David, 75,
475, 476
McCabe & Mrs. Miller(Altman), 105
McCay, Winsor, Gertie the Dinosaur, 111
McConkey, Larry, 273
McDaniel, Hattie, 313
McDormand, Frances, 282
McDowell, Malcolm, 322, 407
McEwan, Ian, 145
McG, 315
McGarvey, Seamus, 48
McGivern, Cecil, 146
McGregor, Ewan, 123, 290
McMurtry, Larry, 2
McQuarrie, Christopher, 147, 148
McQueen, Butterfly, 313, 315
McQueen, Steve, 311
Mean Creek(Estes), 326
Me and You and Everyone We Know
(July), 419, 421
meaning, 176
explicit, 12
implicit, 11, 12
interpreting, 176
Means, Russel, 314
Mean Streets(Scorsese), 85, 395
mechanical, in-camera, and
laboratory effects, 279–80
mechanical effects, 279, 280
Medak, Peter, The Krays, 93
mediation, 51–53, 57
medium close-up, 252, 252
medium long shot, 251
medium shot, 251–52, 252
Meehan, John, 199
Meek, Donald, 157, 158
Meek’s Cutoff(Reichardt), 83, 207
Meet John Doe(Capra), 109, 451
Meet Me in St. Louis(Minelli), 108, 182
Meet the Fockers(Roach), 404
Meirelles, Fernando, 187, 188, 358
City of God,53, 93, 376
Méliès, Georges, 56, 59,194, 234, 279,
439, 440, 445
A Trip to the Moon, 98

melodrama genre, 110
Melville, Jean-Pierre:
Bob le flambeur, 460
Le Cercle Rouge, 410
Le Doulos, 325 n
Le Samouraï, 93
Memento(Nolan), 54, 96, 146, 147, 148,
148, 345
Memories of Underdevelopment
(Gutiérrez Alea), 4
Mendes, Sam, 41, 211, 215–20, 419
Road to Perdition, 93
Ménilmontant(Kirsanoff ), 447
Menjou, Adolphe, 326
Menke, Sally, 339, 345
Menyalshchikov, Said, 197
Menzel, Adolf von, 236
Menzies, William Cameron, 180n,
191, 200
Things to Come,98, 182
Mercanton, Louis, 295
The Loves of Queen Elizabeth, 442
Mercer, David, 400
Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence
(Oshima), 466
Merry Widow, The(Lubitsch), 199
Mesa, Matías, 273
Mescall, John J., 241, 241, 263
Meshes of the Afternoon(Deren and
Hammid), 79, 81
Messmer, Otto, 443
method acting, 294, 302–4, 303
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, seeMGM
Metropolis(Lang), 89, 97, 197, 279,
280, 444
Metty, Russell, 257, 269
Meyer, Emile, 239
Meyer, Muffy, 75
Meyerhold, Vsevolod, 449
MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer),
180 n,182, 199, 242, 301,
495–500, 504, 512n
Michael Clayton(Gilroy), 514
Micheaux, Oscar, 312–13
microcinema, 82
middle-focal-length lens, 245, 245
Midler, Bette, 331
Midnight Cowboy(Schlesinger), 396
Mifune, Toshiro, 313, 322, 328,
329, 465
Mighty Joe Young(Schoedsack), 112
Miike, Takashi, The Happiness of the
Katakuris, 108
Mildred Pierce(Curtiz), 173, 301, 307
Miles, Harold, 197, 199

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