An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Milestone, Lewis, 257, 259
Ocean’s Eleven, 372
Milk(Van Sant), 156
Milky Way, The(Buñuel), 81
Millan, Victor, 271
Milland, Ray, 452, 515
Miller, Arthur, 51n,303, 304
Miller, Bennett, 329
Miller, David, 301
Lonely Are the Brave, 105
Miller, Frank, 423, 517
Sin City,96, 231
Miller, George, Mad Max 2, 98
Miller, Henry, 398
Miller’s Crossing(J. Coen), 93
Million Dollar Baby(Eastwood),
145, 315
Mills, John, 146
Milner, Victor, 254,257, 260
Milton, Franklin, 397, 397
Mimic(del Toro), 13
Minelli, Vincent, 182, 499
An American in Paris,108, 181
The Band Wagon, 108
Lust for Life, 182
Meet Me in St. Louis,108, 182
Mineo, Sal, 314
Minghella, Anthony, 191
Cold Mountain,200, 307, 390
The English Patient, 390
Minkoff, Rob, The Forbidden
Kingdom, 469
minor characters, 160
Minority Report(Spielberg), 503
minor roles, 315, 315
Miracle of Morgan’s Creek,
The(Sturges), 21, 22
Miramax, 509, 512n
Miranda, Claudio, 283
mise-en-scène, 36, 171–223,173, 174,
175, 176, 199, 322
audio/sound, 392, 423–24, 424
costume, makeup, and hairstyle
and, mise-en-scène, design
and, 172, 179–202
framing and, 202–8, 207
production designer and, 180–83
staging as, 172, 178
Misfits, The(Huston), 304
Mishra, Sudhir, 472
Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and
Fabulous(Pasquin), 143
Missing, The(Howard), 105
Mission, The(Joffé), 405
Mission Impossiblemovies, 291

Miss Sadie Thompson(Bernhardt),
Mitchell, Cameron, Rabbit Hole, 306
Mitchell, John, 398
Mitchell, Thomas, 157, 158, 366
Mitchum, Robert, 186, 186, 370,
414, 420
mixing sound, 393
Miyazaki, Hayao, 392
Howl’s Moving Castle, 113
Nausicaä, 98
Spirited Away, 113
Mizoguchi, Kenji, 179, 201, 277,
464, 465–66
The Life of Oharu, 466
Sansho the Bailiff,466, 467
Street of Shame, 466
Ugetsu, 325 n, 466
Mizrahi, Isaac, 293
“moguls,” 495
Molina, Alfred, 313
Momma Don’t Allow(Richardson
and Reisz), 462
Mo’Nique, 128
Monogram Pictures, 460
Monogram Productions, 498
monologue, interior, 398
Monopack film, 235
Monroe, Marilyn, 237,304, 499
Monster(Jenkins), 188, 189
Monster-in-Law(Luketic), 312
Monster’s Ball(Forster), 313
sound, 418
visual, 129, 349–51,350, 354,380,
384, 450, 455
see alsoSoviet Montage
montage of attractions, 450
Montalban, Ricardo, 313
Móntez, Maria, 313
Montgomery, Robert, Lady in the
Lake, 275
Montiel, Dito, A Guide to Recognizing
Your Saints, 305, 311
Moody, Rick, 201
Moon(Jones), 99
Moore, Julianne, 173, 174,305, 407
Moore, Michael:
Bowling for Columbine, 72
Farenheit 9/11, 72
Sicko, 72
Moore, Perry, Lake City, 294
Moorehead, Agnes, 323–25, 324
Moran, Lois, 331
Moreno, Rita, 313

Morgan, Helen, 298
Morgen, Brett, Chicago 10, 111
Mori, Masahiro, 114
Moriarty, Cathy, 152, 277
Moritz, David, 349
Morning Song Way(Thomas), 314
Morocco(Sternberg), 326, 327
Morricone, Ennio, 404, 405, 416
Morris, Errol, Fast, Cheap & Out of
Control, 75
Morrison, Phil, Junebug, 488
Morrison, Van, “So Quiet in Here,”
Moscow Art Theater, 302, 303
Mother(Pudovkin), 449
Mothersbaugh, Mark, 404
Mother’s Day(Broughton), 81
motifs, 20, 81, 215
see alsothemes
motion capture, 113–14, 282–83
Motion Painting No. 1(Fischinger),
Motion Picture Association of
America (MPAA), 511, 512
motion-picture camera, 487
Motion Picture Patents Company,
Motion Picture Production Code
(MPPC), 450, 452, 453
Mottola, Greg, Superbad,13, 109
Moulin Rouge!(Luhrmann), 108, 176,
176, 307
blocking and, 209
bullet time and, 50
of figures, 209–10, 210
illusion in movies of, 5, 47–49, 50
movie, defined, 3–5
Movie-Made America: A Cultural
History of American Movies
(Sklar), 435
movie rating system, 512
apparent motion in, 49
attendance, 514
cinematic language in, 60–61
as dependent on light, 46–47, 47
feature, 441
vs. “film,” 3
film form principles in, 46, 49–56
form and content in, 36–39, 37
form and expectations in, 39–42
highest grossing worldwide,
Hollywood and foreign, 516–17


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