An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Reed, Carol, 199,200, 263
The Third Man,46, 86, 207
Reeves, Keanu, 49, 277
Reeves, Matt, Cloverfield, 57,272,
reflector board, 237,238, 238
reframing, 202
Regent Entertainment, 505
Reggio, Godfrey, 277
Reichardt, Kelly:
Meek’s Cutoff,83, 207
Wendy and Lucy, 207
Reilly, John C., 406
Reilly, Kelly, 183
Reimann, Walter, 197
reinvention, cinema of, 460
Reisz, Karel, 376
Momma Don’t Allow, 462
Saturday Night and Sunday
Morning, 462
We Are the Lambeth Boys, 462
Reitherman, Wolfgang, The Jungle
Book, 108
Reitman, Ivan, Young Adult, 188
Reitman, Jason, Juno,7–22,
36–37, 37
release negative, 503
Rembrandt(Korda), 200
Removed(Uman), 81
Rengel, Martin, Joy Ride, 463
Rennahan, Ray, 235
Renoir, Jean, 179, 201, 208, 256, 265,
268, 268,458, 459, 471
French Cancan, 108
Rent(Columbus), 108
repetition, in Stagecoach(Ford), 164
repetition of story events, 154–55
Republic Pictures, 498
Requiem for a Dream(Aronofsky),
277, 341
rerecording, 392
Rescued from an Eagle’s Nest
(Dawley), 279
Reservoir Dogs(Tarantino), 93,
405, 469
Resnais, Alain, 345, 400, 458, 460
Last Year at Marienbad,81,
459, 461
resolution, 136, 136, 489
in dramatic structure, 161
Restoration(Hoffman), 305
restricted narrators, 126, 127
reverse-angle shots, 364
revolver photographique, 436

Reynolds, Debbie, 314
Rezende, Daniel, 358, 376
in editing, 351–55, 354
and sound, 418–19
Ricci, Christina, 212, 213, 215
Richard III(Loncraine), 305
Richardson, Dorothy, 80–81
Richardson, Miranda, 212
Richardson, Ralph, 314
Richardson, Robert, 239, 343
Richardson, Tony:
The Loneliness of the Long Distance
Runner, 462
Momma Don’t Allow, 462
Tom Jones,123, 319
Richert, William, Winter Kills, 308
Richman, Jonathan, 397
Richter, Hans, Dreams That Money
Can Buy, 81
“Ride of the Valkyries, The”
(Wagner), 419, 420
Riefenstahl, Leni, 351
Triumph of the Will,72–73, 73
Rien que les heures(Cavalcanti), 447
Rififi(Dassin), 93
Rilla, Wolf, Village of the Damned, 98
rim lights, 241
Ring, The(Verbinski), 100, 250
Ringu(Nakata), 100, 102
Rinzler, Lisa, 228
Rio(Saldanha), 85
Riptide(Goulding), 499
rising action, 135, 136
Ritchie, Guy, 183
Sherlock Holmes, 305
Snatch, 372
Ritt, Martin:
Hombre, 105
The Outrage, 148
Ritter, Thelma, 304, 315
Rivette, Jacques, 458
Celine and Julie Go Boating, 459
Rizzo, Gary A., 389
RKO, 492, 496n,498, 499
Roach, Hal, 443
Roach, Jay, 404
Road, The(Hillcoat), 188
Road to Perdition(Mendes), 93
Robards, Jason, 314, 406
Robbins, Jerome, West Side Story,
Robbins, Tim, 304–5, 412, 413, 492
Roberts, Julia, 143, 309, 348, 348, 492

Robeson, Paul, 313
Robinson, Amy, 395
Robinson, Edward G., 90, 92
Robson, Mark, 309
Rocha, Glauber, Land in Anguish, 4
Rock, The(Bay), 91
Rocky(Avildson), 130, 131
Rocky Horror Picture Show, The
(Sharman), 108
Rodat, Robert, 156
Rodis-Jamero, Nilo, 191
Rodrigues, Alexandre, 376
Rodríguez, Alex, 373
Rodriguez, Robert, 423, 469,
490, 517
Desperado, 469
Sin City,96, 231
Roeg, Nicolas:
Don’t Look Now, 367
The Man Who Fell to Earth, 98
Rogen, Seth, 319
Rogers, Aggie Guerard, 191
Rogers, Ginger, 105
Rohmer, Eric, 319, 458
My Night at Maud’s, 459
Röhrig, Walters, 197
preparing for, 316–18, 317
types of, 314–16, 316
Rolling Stones, 343–44, 343
romance genre, 110
Rome, Open City(Rossellini),
200, 455
Romero, Cesar, 314
Romero, George A.:
Dawn of the Dead, 102
Night of the Living Dead, 101
Romney, George, 213
Ronan, Saoirse, 48
Room at the Top(Clayton), 462
Rooney, Mickey, 312
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 501
Rope(Hitchcock), 151, 151n
Rose, Gabrielle, 401
Rose-Marie(Van Dyke), 496
Rosemary’s Baby(Polanski), 21,22,
101, 266
Rosenbloom, David, 364
Roshan, Rakesh, Krrish, 5
Rosher, Charles, 265
Ross, Gary, 404
Pleasantville, 236
Ross, Herbert, Pennies from Heaven,


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