An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Taylor, Rod, 275
Taylor, Tate, The Help, 225
Taymor, Julie, Across the Universe,
107, 107
Teacher’s Pet(Björklund), 108
Teahouse of the August Moon, The
(Mann), 312
Team America: World Police(Parker),
107, 349, 350
Technicolor, 196,234–35, 255, 453
Tedeschi, David, 343–44, 343
Teenage Rebel(Goulding), 499
television, studio systems and, 501
temporal relationships in editing,
Ten Commandments, The(De Mille),
279, 279n
Tennant, Andy, 143
Tenniel, John, 190
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
(Cameron), 281
Terminatormovies (Cameron), 97
Teshigahara, Hiroshi, 466
Tess of the Storm Country(Porter),
Tetzlaff, Ted, 255, 269
Texas Chain Saw Massacre, The
(Hooper), 102
Thalberg, Irving, 496–97, 496n, 497,
500, 502
That Certain Woman(Goulding),
That Day on the Beach(Yang), 201
and movie meaning, 15, 88
sound and, 428
see alsomotifs
There’s Something About Mary
(Farrelly and Farrelly),
293, 397
There Will Be Blood(Anderson),
200, 404, 514
Theron, Charlize, 188, 189, 292
Thesiger, Ernest, 241, 241,263,
263, 315
They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?
(Pollack), 346
Thiault, Jérôme, 418
Thief of Bagdad, The(Powell, Berger
and Whelan), 200
Things to Come(Menzies), 98, 182,

Thin Manmovies (various directors),
Thin Red Line, The(Malick), 156,
Third Man, The(Reed), 46, 86, 199,
200, 207, 263
third-person narrators, 125
39 Steps, The(Hitchcock), 398, 417
Thomae, Robert, 279
Thomas, Charles Howard, Morning
Song Way, 314
Thomas Crown Affair, The(Jewison),
Thompson, Kristin, 434
Thor(Branagh), 85
Thornton, Billy Bob, 421, 422
Thou Shalt Not Kill(Kieslowski), 203
3–D cinematography, 252, 282,515–16
3 Godfathers(Ford), 103
300 (Snyder), 483
Three Kings(Russell), 230
Three Little Pigs, The(Disney), 235
Three Penny Opera, The(Pabst), 108
three-point system, lighting, 238–39,
240, 244
three-shot, 252
3:10 to Yuma(Daves), 105
3 Women(Altman), 293
Throne of Blood(Kurosawa), 209,329,
Through the Looking Glass(Carroll),
Thulin, Ingrid, 370
Thurman, Uma, 138
THX 1138(Lucas), 240, 97
THX technology, 391
Tian Zhuangzhuang, The Horse
Thief, 468
tilt shot, 267, 267
‘Til We Meet Again(Goulding), 499
Timberlake, Justin, 134
Timecode(Figgis), 153, 375
Tin Drum, The(Schlöndorff ), 372
tinting, 234
Tintori, Ray, Death to the Tinman, 83
Titanic(Cameron), 143, 238,314, 503
Title, John, 408
TiVo, 2
T- M e n(Mann), 242
To Catch a Thief(Hitchcock), 301
To Die For(Van Sant), 190, 307,
372, 375

To Kill a Mockingbird(Mulligan), 79
Tokyo Story(Ozu), 208–9, 466, 468
Toland, Gregg, 46, 228, 238, 239,241,
241,254–55, 267, 454
Tolkien, J. R. R., 145
Toll of the Sea, The(Franklin), 234
Toluboff, Alexander, 207
Tomasini, George, 352, 365, 367, 368
Tom Jones(Richardson), 123, 319
tonality, black and white film,
233–34, 233
tonality, film stock and, 233
Topsy-Turvy(Leigh), 321
Touchez pas au grisbi(Becker), 93
Touch of Evil(Welles), 96, 269–72,
270,277, 316
Tourneur, Jacques:
Cat People, 101
Out of the Past, 96
Toy Story(Lasseter, Brannon and
Unkrich), 59, 113
Toy Story 2: The Ultimate Toy Box
(Lasseter, Brannon and
Unkrich), 309
Toy Storymovies, 388
tracking shot, 267, 268, 268
Tracy, Spencer, 305, 314
Tragedy of Othello: The Moor
of Venice(Welles),
404, 405
Trainspotting(Boyle), 123, 146
Transformers(Bay), 115
Transformers: Dark of the Moon(Bay),
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
(Bay), 403
Trasatti, Luciano, 210
Travolta, John, 138, 146
Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The
(Huston), 155
Tree of Life, The(Malick), 27, 84, 281
Tretyakov, Sergei, 151
Trevor, Claire, 157, 158, 207
Tribulation 99: Alien Anomalies
under America(Baldwin),
79, 80
tripod, 266
Trip to the Moon, A(Méliès), 59,
98, 440
Triumph of the Will(Riefenstahl),
72–73, 73
TRON(Lisberger), 280


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