An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Stranger than Fiction(Forster), 125
Stranger Than Paradise(Jarmusch),
Strasberg, Lee, 303
Stravinsky, Igor, 404
Straw Dogs(Peckinpah), 475
stream of consciousness, 80–81
Streep, Meryl, 302, 407
Streetcar Named Desire, A(Kazan),
Street of Shame(Mizoguchi), 466
Streisand, Barbra, 321
stretch relationship, 150–51
Strike(Eisenstein), 449
Strip Mall Trilogy, The(Beebe), 82
Stroman, Susan, The Producers,
Stromberg, Hunt, 496, 497
Stromberg, Robert, 179, 190
dramatic, 136
narrative, 131–36
normal world in, 131, 132, 160
three-act, 160–61
see alsoform
Struss, Karl, 265
Stuart, Gloria, 315
Stuck on You(Farrelly and Farrelly),
Studio Basic Agreement, 503
studio era and acting, 299–302
studio system, 137, 187, 233, 238,
242, 310, 315, 321, 441, 451,
472–73, 485, 495–501,497,
498,509, 512, 513–14
collapse of, 472–73
directors in, 499
organization of, 495–501
post-1931, 496–98
pre-1931, 495
pre-1950, 498
producers in, 495–500
television and, 501
see alsoHollywood production
stunt persons, 315
Sturges, Preston, 399, 452
The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek,
21, 22
style, acting, 318–20, 319
subtext, 303
subtractive color systems,
Sudden Fear(Miller), 301

Suddenly, Last Summer(Mankiewicz),
302, 502
summary relationship, 150–51,
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
(Murnau), 155, 182, 265,
297, 495
Sunset Boulevard(Wilder), 94,104,
199, 245,299, 314, 432
Sunshine State(Sayles), 517
Super 8(Abrams), 66, 85
Superbad(Mottola), 13, 14, 109
superimpositions, 384
Superman(Donner), 111
supporting players, 300
supporting roles, 315, 315
surprise, 153–54, 154
vs. suspense, 154
surrealist films, 446–47, 447
Suschitzky, Peter, 281
suspense, 153–54, 154, 164
patterns and, 42, 44
in Stagecoach(Ford), 164
vs. surprise, 154
Suspense(Smalley and Weber),
Suspicion(Hitchcock), 301
Suspiria(Argento), 101, 196
Suvari, Mena, 216, 217, 218, 220,
Svankmejer, Jan, 112
Swain, Mack, 53
Swan, Buddy, 323, 324
Swank, Hilary, 305, 344
Swanson, Gloria, 191, 197, 199, 245,
314, 432
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of
Fleet Street(Burton), 6, 171,
211, 292
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of
Fleet Street(Sondheim), 6
Sweet Hereafter, The(Egoyan), 154,
400–401, 418
Sweet Smell of Success
(Mackendrick), 96, 233,
234, 239, 322
Swing Time(Stevens), 108
swish pans, 384
swordplay, 209
Sylbert, Richard, 199, 204
Sylwan, Kari, 370
Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One
(Greaves), 83
Synecdoche, New York(Kaufman), 82

synthespians, 309, 310
see alsocomputer-generated
Syriana(Gaghan), 70

Tachell, Terri, 130
Taghmaoui, Saïd, 517
Taipei Story(Yang), 470
Taiwan, 469–70
Taiwan cinema, 201
take, 228
Takemitsu, Toru, 404
take-up spool, 487
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 435
Tales of Manhattan(Duvivier), 313
Talk to Her(Almodóvar), 265
Tally, Ted, 42
Taloni, Adriano, 400
Tam, Patrick, 469
A Spectrum of Multiple Stars:
Wang Chuanru, 469
Tamai, Masao, 280
Taming of the Shrew, The(Zeffirelli),
Tamsay, Paul, 145
Tanaka, Kinuyo, 467
Tandan, Loveleen, Slumdog
Millionaire,390, 403
Tangled(Greno and Howard), 129
Tarantino, Quentin, 146, 201, 231,
339,345, 405, 469, 490
Kill Billmovies, 108, 469
Pulp Fiction, 138, 139
Reservoir Dogs,93, 469
Taraporevala, Sooni, Little Zizou,
Tarkovsky, Andrei, 172, 477
Solaris, 98
Stalker, 98
Tashiro, C.S., 432
Tashlin, Frank, 143
Tati, Jacques, 109, 458
Tatum, Channing, 517
Taviani, Paolo, and Vittorio, Padre
Padrone,400, 457
Tavoularis, Dean, 176
Taxi Driver(Scorsese), 155, 275, 320,
321, 371
Taylor, Elizabeth, 191, 302, 314
Taylor, Gilbert, 245,268, 272, 281
Taylor, J. O., 279
Taylor, Robert, 496

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