5 Steps to a 5 AP Biology, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

❯ Rapid Review

You should be familiar with the following terms:
Binary fission:prokaryotic cell division; double the DNA, double the size, then split apart.
Cell cycle:G 1 →S→G 2 →M→growth 1 →synthesis→growth 2 →mitosis→etc.
Interphase:G 1 +S+G 2 =90 percent of the cell cycle.

96 ❯ STEP 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High

❯ Answers and Explanations

  1. B—Bryophytes, or mosses, are the plant type that
    has the gametophyte (haploid) as its dominant
    generation. The others in this question have the
    sporophyte (diploid) as their dominant generation.

  2. C—Crossover occurs in humans only in
    prophase I. Prophase I is a major source of vari-
    ation in the production of offspring.

  3. C

  4. A

  5. E

  6. B

  7. C—The life cycle for fungi is different from that
    of humans. Fungi exist as haploid organisms,
    and the only time they exist in diploid form is as
    a zygote. Like humans, the gametes for fungi are
    haploid (n) and combine to form a diploid
    zygote. Unlike in humans, the fungus zygote
    divides by meiosis to form a haploid organism.

  8. B—Human cells start with 46 chromosomes
    arranged in 23 pairs of homologous chromo-
    somes. At this time they are 2nbecause they have

two copies of each chromosome. After the S phase
of the cell cycle, the DNA has been doubled in
preparation for cell division. The first stage of
meiosis pulls apart the homologous pairs of
chromosomes. This means that after meiosis I,
the cells are n, or haploid—they no longer con-
sist of twofull sets of chromosomes.

  1. A—CDK is present at all times during the cell
    cycle. It combines with a protein called cyclin,
    which accumulates during interphase of the cell
    cycle, to form MPF. When enough MPF is
    formed, the cell is pushed to begin mitosis. As
    mitosis continues, cyclin is degraded, and when
    the concentration of MPF drops below a level
    sufficient to maintain mitotic division, mitosis
    grinds to a halt until the threshold is reached
    again next time around the cycle.

  2. C—Answer choices A, B, D, and E are all cor-
    rect. C is incorrect because homologous pairs of
    chromosomes pair together only during meiosis.
    During mitosis, the sister chromatid pairs align
    along the metaphase plate, separate from the
    homologous counterpart.


Prophase Nucleus, nucleolus disappear;
mitotic spindle forms —

Metaphase Sister chromatids line up at middle —

Anaphase Sister chromatids are split apart —

Nuclei of new cells reform;
Telophase chromatin uncoils —

Prophase I — Each chromosome pairs with its homolog;
there is crossover

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