5 Steps to a 5 AP Biology, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


12 Evolution


Summary:This chapter discusses evolution and the four major modes in
which it occurs. It introduces you to the various forms of selection: natural,
directional, stabilizing, disruptive, sexual, and artificial. It discusses the two
main forms of speciation (allopatric and sympatric) and briefly touches on the
theory behind how life on this planet emerged many years ago.

Key Ideas
✪The four major modes of evolution are genetic drift, gene flow, mutation,
and natural selection.
✪Natural selection is based on three conditions: variation, heritability, and
differential reproductive success.
✪There are four basic patterns of evolution: co-evolution, convergent
evolution, divergent evolution, and parallel evolution.
✪Sources of variation within populations: mutation, sexual reproduction,
and balanced polymorphism.
✪Hardy-Weinberg conditions: no mutations, no gene flow, no genetic drift,
no natural selection, and random mating.
✪Hardy-Weinberg equations: p+q= 1 and p^2 + 2pq+q^2 = 1.
✪Evidence for evolution: homologous characters, embryology, and vestigial

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