5 Steps to a 5 AP Biology, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

164 ❯ STEP 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High

Review Questions

  1. Which of the following is thought to be the
    common ancestor to plants?
    A. Chemoautotrophs
    B. Choanoflagellates
    C. Chordata
    D. Chlorophytes
    E. Cnidaria

  2. Which of the following pairs of organisms is
    most closely interrelated?
    A. Sponge and halophile
    B. Jellyfish and coral
    C. Oyster and conifer
    D. Lichen and roundworm
    E. Bryophyte and mold

  3. Which of the following was an evolutionary
    adaptation vital to the survival of the bryophytes?
    A. The switch from the gametophyte to the
    sporophyte as the dominant generation of
    the life cycle
    B. The development of branched sporophytes
    C. The birth of pollination
    D. The packaging of gametes into gametangia
    E. Evolution of the seed

  4. Which of the following is the most specific cate-
    gory of classification?
    A. Class
    B. Family
    C. Order
    D. Division
    E. Phylum

  5. Which of the following is notassociated with
    A. Carpel
    B. Stigma
    C. Style
    D. Hypha
    E. Anther
    6. Which of the following was the latest to branch
    off the animal phylogenetic tree?
    A. Radiata
    B. Acoelomates
    C. Eumetazoa
    D. Pseudocoelomates
    E. Deuterostomes
    For questions 7–10, please use the following answer
    A. Kingdom Animalia
    B. Kingdom Fungi
    C. Kingdom Plantae
    D. Kingdom Protista
    E. Kingdom Monera
    7. Thermoacidophiles are grouped into this king-
    dom that consists of single-celled organisms
    lacking nuclei and membrane-bound organelles.
    8. Arthropods are grouped into this kingdom
    whose members are multicellular heterotrophs
    that have the diploid stage as their dominant
    generation in the life cycle.
    9. This kingdom is divided into plant-like, animal-
    like, and fungus-like divisions.
    10.Molds, or deuteromycota, are grouped into this
    kingdom that consists of mostly multicellular
    organisms that are constructed out of hypha.

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