5 Steps to a 5 AP Biology, 2014-2015 Edition
AP Biology Practice Exam 2 ❮ 305
- Immune system question (here, the student can
obtain 4 points from two of the answers; if
4 points are awarded for an answer, a maximum
of 3 points can be obtained for each of the
remaining answers)
A. (maximum 4 points)
- Definition of an antigen as a molecule
foreign to the body. (1 ⁄ 2 point)
- Mentioning that the primary immune
response is an example of humoral immu-
nity. (1 ⁄ 2 point)
- Description of a B cell and how each B
cell has a specific antigen recognition site
on its surface that will match up with
onlyoneantigen. (1 point)
- When B cells meet and attach to the
appropriate antigen, they become acti-
vated and undergo mitosis and differenti-
ation into two types of cell. (1 point)
- The two types of cell are the memory cells
and plasma cells. (1 ⁄ 2 point)
- Definition of plasma cells as the cells
that produce the specific antibodies.
(1 ⁄ 2 point)
- Definition of memory cells as the cells
that head up the secondary immune
response. (1 ⁄ 2 point)
- Description of how an antibody recog-
nizes a particular antigen, including the
fact that antibodies have two functional
regions: Fab, which binds to the antigen;
and Fc, which binds to the effector cells,
and later comes in and cleans up the trash
left behind. (1 point)
- Mentioning that complement is the one
that binds to the antigen–antibody com-
plex and aids in the quicker removal of
the complex from the body. (1 ⁄ 2 point)
B. (maximum 3 points)
- Mentioning that this portion of the
immune system is known as cell-mediated
immunity. (1 ⁄ 2 point)
- Mentioning that the major player involved
here is the cytotoxic T cell. (1 point)
- Mentioning that the cells infected by a
virus are forced to produce viral antigens,
some of which show up on the surface of
the cell, and that it is these antigens that
cytotoxic T cells recognize and attack.
(1 point)
- Mentioning that all cells of the human
body (except red blood cells) have class I
histocompatibility antigens (MHC I) on
their surfaces. (1 point)
- Further discussion of MHC—mentioning
that MHC I antigens are slightly different
for each person and the immune system
accepts any cell that has the identical
MHC I as friendly, and any cell that has
a different form of MHC on its surface as
an enemy. (1 point)
C. (maximum 4 points)
- Definition of nonspecific immunity as the
nonspecific prevention of the entrance of
invaders into the human body. (1 point)
- Examples (each example is worth 1 point)
a. Lysozyme in the saliva can kill germs
before they have the chance to take hold.
b. The skin covering the body is a major
form of nonspecific protection against
c. The mucous membrane lining the tra-
chea and lungs prevent bacteria from
entering cells and actually assist in the
expulsion of bacteria by ushering them
up and out with a cough.
d. The low pH of the stomach (acidity) is
a nonspecific defense mechanism
because it is able to kill a lot of bacteria
that enter the body that cannot handle
such an acidic environment.
D. (maximum 4 points)
- Definition of a vaccination as something
given to an individual in an effort to
prime the immune system to be prepared
to fight a specific sickness if confronted
again in the future. (1 point)
❯ Free-Response Grading Outline