5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition
Glossary h 321 Industrial Revolution The transition between the domestic system of manufacturing and the mech- anization of prod ...
322 i Glossary matrilineal Referring to a social system in which descent and inheritance are traced through the mother. May Four ...
Glossary h 323 northwest passage A passage through the North American continent that was sought by early explorers to North Amer ...
324 i Glossary Reign of Terror (1793–1794) The period of most extreme violence during the French Revolution. reincarnation Rebir ...
Glossary h 325 sovereignty Self-rule. Spanish-American War (1898) Confl ict between the United States and Spain that began the r ...
326 i Glossary vassal In medieval Europe, a person who pledged military or other service to a lord in exchange for a gift of lan ...
Bibliography h 327 In addition to this manual and your textbook, the following titles may help you in your preparation for the A ...
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h 329 Web Sites The following are websites that may help you in your test preparation: http://www.worldhistorynetwork.org http:/ ...
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AP * Advanced Placement program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the product ...
AP World History Flashcards Features 600 key terms that an expert test prep author selected as ones that frequently appear on th ...
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5 STEPS TO A 5 ™ A Perfect Plan for the Perfect Score on the Advanced Placement Exams ISBN 978-0-07-180243- MHID 0-07-180243- 97 ...
5 STEPS TO A 5 AP World History 2014– http://www.ebook3000.com ...
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New York Chicago San Francisco Athens London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi Singapore Sydney Toronto AP World History 2014– ...
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