5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition
226 i PERIOD 6 Accelerating Global Change and Realignments (c. 1900 to the present) Both the Mexican revolts of 1821 and 1910 ( ...
Revolution, World Wars, and Depression h 227 tion was initiated by the bourgeoisie, and the Chinese revolt by the Western-educat ...
KEY IDEA 228 i CHAPTER 26 The Cold War and the Postwar Balance of Power IN THIS CHAPTER Summary: The decades following World War ...
The Cold War and the Postwar Balance of Power h 229 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)* perestroika* Prague Spring* purge ...
230 i PERIOD 6 Accelerating Global Change and Realignments (c. 1900 to the present) Africa In 1957, Ghana became the fi rst Afri ...
The Cold War and the Postwar Balance of Power h 231 private farms into huge collective farms worked in common by farmers. Farmer ...
232 i PERIOD 6 Accelerating Global Change and Realignments (c. 1900 to the present) Latin America Mexico emerged from its revolu ...
The Cold War and the Postwar Balance of Power h 233 Confl ict in Palestine The Holocaust strengthened international support for ...
234 i PERIOD 6 Accelerating Global Change and Realignments (c. 1900 to the present) In 1960, Mao was replaced as head of state, ...
The Cold War and the Postwar Balance of Power h 235 Which communist leader is most often associ- ated with purges against his r ...
236 i PERIOD 6 Accelerating Global Change and Realignments (c. 1900 to the present) B—Deng Xiaoping allowed some elements of a ...
KEY IDEA h 237 CHAPTER 27 End of the Cold War and Nationalist Movements IN THIS CHAPTER Summary:By the late 1980s, economic setb ...
238 i PERIOD 6 Accelerating Global Change and Realignments (c. 1900 to the present) The end of communism did not come without di ...
End of the Cold War and Nationalist Movements h 239 dominant status with the election of Vicente Fox of the PAN party as preside ...
240 i PERIOD 6 Accelerating Global Change and Realignments (c. 1900 to the present) ❯ Review Questions Ethnic strife occurred i ...
KEY IDEA h 241 CHAPTER 28 Global Trade IN THIS CHAPTER Summary: The twentieth century witnessed active commercial and trade inte ...
242 i PERIOD 6 Accelerating Global Change and Realignments (c. 1900 to the present) The Middle East (Southwest Asia) In 1960, t ...
Global Trade h 243 Since World War II, African nations have had to rely on the sale of minerals and cash crops to fi nance thei ...
244 i PERIOD 6 Accelerating Global Change and Realignments (c. 1900 to the present) 1. OPEC (A) is an organization of Middle Eas ...
Global Trade h 245 D—Both Venezuela and Nigeria are OPEC members, making response (A) incorrect. OPEC originated about 30 years ...
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