5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Practice Test One h 279

  1. D Within the Chinese spheres of infl uence,
    foreigners were granted the right of extrater-
    ritoriality. Although the Ottoman Empire
    declined, especially after 1750, it became
    dependent on Western technology and, in turn,
    granted Western powers extraterritoriality.
    The other nations listed were not involved in
    extending this privilege.

  2. D Both the Indian National Congress and
    the Young Turks of the Ottoman Empire sup-
    ported reform as the best method to combat
    imperialism. In 1906, the Indian National
    Congress joined with the Muslim League (A)
    to support Indian self-rule (B). The Indian
    National Congress articulated grievances
    against British imperialism (C).

  3. C The road map shows an unobstructed path
    when following the middle of the road, while
    the actual road is fi lled with huge potholes. The
    fi gure of Uncle Sam is giving a sign of approval
    to the journey (A). The problem areas are many
    and deep (B). Both Palestine and Israel are
    steering through the course (D).

  4. B The camp scene represents one of the key
    issues complicating peace efforts in the Middle
    East: the issue of a homeland for Palestinian
    refugees forced to live in refugee camps.

  5. A African independence movements provided
    a spark for the U.S. Civil Rights Movement.
    The Cold War caused some African states to
    depend on U.S. aid, and others on assistance
    from the Soviet Union (B). Ethnic divisions
    continued (C). The French colony of Algeria
    won its independence only after a long, violent
    struggle (D).

  6. C Soviet and Chinese women bore arms in
    World War II. American women worked in
    factories in a temporary capacity only (A).
    Japanese and German women were expected to
    remain at home and raise children (B, D).

  7. B Biodiversity, or the maintenance of a variety
    of species of animals and plants, is diminished
    by increased agricultural activity. Urbaniza-
    tion also reduces biodiversity (D). Air pollu-
    tion releases excessive carbon dioxide, which
    produces global warming (A), which, in turn,
    poses the risk of a rise in sea levels and resultant
    fl ooding (C).
    37. C Sumer traded with Indian peoples, while
    Egypt concentrated more on regional trade.
    Egypt was more isolated by its desert and sea
    barriers, allowing it to develop its culture more
    independently (B). Both civilizations had poly-
    theisticreligions (A). Sumer established more
    and larger urban areas than did Egypt, which
    remained a village-based civilization (D).
    38. C The map is one of colonial possessions
    in Africa prior to World War I. Only a few
    regions of Africa had been divided into colo-
    nies by 1850 (B), and none were colonized
    by 1800 (A). All of Africa was decolonized by
    1990, making response (D) incorrect. Clues to
    the identifi cation of the political boundaries
    on the map as European colonies are the shape
    of Egypt and the large expanse of territory in
    western and northern Africa that was colonized
    by France.
    39. C The three concentric circles represent the
    Trinity; the fi sh represents Jesus Christ; and the
    shell, Christian Baptism.
    40. A According to Buddhist belief, nirvana, a
    state of perfect peace, can be reached by going
    through a number of reincarnations (D). Bud-
    dhism rejected the caste system (B). Buddhism
    is not polytheistic; some Buddhists regard
    Buddha as a god, an idea that Buddha himself
    rejected (C).
    41. D Confucius is not considered a god. Confu-
    cianism is responsible for the civil service exam
    (A). Confucianism stressed fi lial piety, or obedi-
    ence and respect to parents and elders (B) and
    has been associated with patriarchal society (C).
    42. B The population statistics and import pat-
    terns suggest a developing country that trades
    widely with African countries. The country rep-
    resented is the Democratic Republic of Congo.
    43. D King Leopold II of Belgium originally colo-
    nized the Congo as his personal possession.
    Later, his violation of human rights caused the
    transfer of the Congo to Belgium. The trade
    relationship between the Democratic Republic
    of Congo and Belgium, therefore, is a result of
    colonizationrather than merely one produced
    by globalization (A) or multinational corpora-
    tions (B). The Congo did not participate in
    trans-Saharan trade (C).

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