Take a Diagnostic Exam h 21
- Which of the following was NOT true of trade
patterns between 1450 and 1750?
(A) African kingdoms became dependent on
European technology.
(B) China engaged only in regional trade.
(C) Triangular trade patterns crossed the
(D) The Ottoman Empire depended on
Western technology.
- Which of the following was true of the cultures
of Ming and Qing China?
(A) The concept of fi lial piety was abandoned.
(B) The custom of footbinding became less
(C) The Chinese were introduced to American
food crops.
(D) China developed an egalitarian society.
- Between 1500 and 1800, the Islamic empires
(A) abandoned the tradition of steppe
(B) failed to urbanize the lands they
(C) steadily strengthened in power
(D) were ethnically diverse
- Compared to British colonial administration in
the Americas, Spanish colonial administration
(A) attempted to set up democratic rule for its
(B) preferred to be based on rural rather than
urban areas
(C) was more tightly controlled by its European
(D) imported African slaves later than did the
- “It being obviously necessary and desirable that
British subjects should have some port whereat
they may [maintain] and refi t their ships when
required, and keep stores for that purpose, His
Majesty the Emperor of China cedes to her
Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, &c., the
Island of Hong Kong, to be possessed in perpe-
tuity by Her Britannic Majesty, her heirs and
successors, and to be governed by such laws
and regulations as Her Majesty the Queen of
Great Britain, &c., shall see fi t to direct.” The
above quotation is an excerpt from the treaty
ending which war?
(A) The Seven Years’ War
(B) World War I
(C) The Opium War
(D) The Sino-Japanese War
- The underlying cause of the above war was
(A) a trade imbalance between Great Britain
and China
(B) Chinese and British competition over the
establishment of trading posts in northern
(C) competition among the holders of the
spheres of infl uence in China
(D) British attempts to colonize China
- Which of the following was true regarding
Latin American women in the nineteenth
(A) They enjoyed the right to vote.
(B) They were subjected to the values of
(C) They could not work outside the house
without supervision.
(D) They could hold political offi ce.
- Which of the following did NOT facili tate
European imperialist efforts in Africa?
(A) The end of slavery in Africa
(B) The invention of the steamship
(C) The discovery of quinine
(D) Ethnic divisions in Africa
- Which of the following was true of the new
(A) The Berlin Conference accommodated
Africa’sethnic diversity.
(B) The United States favored economic impe-
rialism rather than direct political control
in South America.
(C) France favored economic imperialism over
settler colonies.
(D) British settlers integrated easily with
Australian aboriginal peoples.
- In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,
indentured servants
(A) had the same status as slaves
(B) went mostly to Europe
(C) received free passage to their destinations
(D) usually came from Europe