AP Statistics 2017
or more simply, the correlation coefficient , denoted by the letter r . The correlation coefficient is a measure of ...
powerful impact on r and may cause us to overinterpret the relationship. You must look at the scatterplot ...
factory. Enter CATALOG and scroll down to “Diagnostic On.” Press ENTER twice. Now you are ready to find r ...
For these data, it turns out that r = .999986. Is the increase in number of ministers responsible for the inc ...
The scatterplot (see page 94 ) leads us to believe that the form of this relationship is linear. This ...
For n ordered pairs (x, y ), we calculate: , , sx , sy , and r . Then we have: example: For ...
putting the “Hours Studied” data in L1 , the “Test Score” data in L2 , and doing LinReg(ax+b)L1,L2 . Wh ...
Residuals When we developed the LSRL, we referred to y – ŷ (the actual value – the predicted value ) as ...
solution: (a) Using the calculator (LinReg(a+bx) L1, L2, Y1) , we find = 64.94 + 0.634(age ), r = 0.993. ...
What you are interested in is the visual image given by the residual plot, and it doesn’t matter if the resi ...
to predict the weight of the student whose height is on the slip of paper you have drawn. What is your bes ...
computer printout above. The first is the “St Dev of x ” (0.2772 in this example). This is the standard ...
(quadratic). Population tends to grow exponentially, at least for a while. Even though you could find ...
The scatterplot of Hours versus ln (Number ) and the residual plot for ln ( ) = –0.0047 + 0.586(Hours ) ar ...
Interesting Diversion: You will find a number of different regression expressions in the STAT CALC menu: Lin ...
Answer: A is an outlier because it is removed from the general pattern of the rest of the points. It is an influ ...
Answer : The standard error of the slope of the regression line is 0.5990. It is an estimate of the chan ...
c. 0.34 d. 0.082 e. 1.09 Consider the following residual plot: Which of the f ...
The correlation between two variables x and y is –0.26. A new set of scores, x * and y *, is constr ...
in the graph marked with the square? The regional champion in 10 and under 100 m backstroke has h ...
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