AP Statistics 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
If  the true    mean    is  really  38, we  are almost  certain to  reject  the false   null    hypothesis.

  1.     For a   given   margin  of  error   using   P   *   =   0.5:

To  reduce  the margin  of  error   by  a   factor  of  0.5,    we  have

We  need    to  quadruple   the sample  size    to  reduce  the margin  of  error   by  a   factor  of   1  / 2     .


The department  should  ask at  least   35  students    about   their   intentions.

  1.     The finding is  statistically   significant because the P   -value  is  less    than    the significance    level.  In  this

    situation, it is unlikely that we would have obtained a value of 1 – 2 = 0. as different from 0 as we
    got by chance alone if, in fact, 1 – 2 = 0.

  2. Trick question! The sample size needed for a 95% confidence interval (or any C -level interval for
    that matter) is not a function of population size. The sample size needed is given by

n is    a   function    of  z   *   (which  is  determined  by  the confidence  level), M (the  desired margin  of  error),
and P * (the estimated value of ). The only requirement is that the population size be at least 20
times as large as the sample size.

  1.     Because n = 50, we  could   use a   large-sample    confidence  interval.   For n = 50, z   *   =   2.33    (that’s the

    upper critical z -value if we put 1% in each tail).

Anna    tells   her father  that    he  can be  98% confident   that    the true    average test    score   for his 41  years   of
teaching is between 71.16 and 75.84.
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