AP Psychology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  • Implicit memory (nondeclarative)—retention without conscious recollection of
    learning the skills and dispositions
    Procedural memory—memories of perceptual, motor, and cognitive skills
    Four major models account for organization of information in LTM:

  • Hierarchies—systems in which concepts are arranged from more general to more
    specific classes

  • Concepts—mental representations of related things
    Prototypes—the most typical examples of a concept

  • Semantic networks—more irregular and distorted systems than strict hierarchies,
    with multiple links from one concept to others

  • Schemas—frameworks of basic ideas and preconceptions about people, objects, and
    events based on past experience
    Script—a schema for an event
    Flashbulb memory—vivid memory of an emotionally significant moment or event.
    Connectionism—theory that memory is stored throughout the brain in connections
    between neurons, many of which can work together to process a single memory.
    Artificial intelligence (AI)—a field of study in which computer programs are
    designed to simulate human cognitive abilities such as reasoning, learning, and under-
    standing language.
    Neural network or Parallel processing model—clusters of neurons that are intercon-
    nected (and computer models based on neuronlike systems) process information
    simultaneously, automatically, and without our awareness.
    Long-term potentiation or LTP—an increase in a synapse’s firing potential after
    brief, rapid stimulation and possibly the neural basis for learning and memory,
    involving an increase in the efficiency with which signals are sent across the synapses
    within neural networks.
    Thethalamusis involved in encoding sensory memory into STM.
    Thehippocampusis involved in putting information from STM into LTM.
    Theamygdalais involved in the storage of emotional memories.
    Thecerebellumprocesses implicit memories and seems to store procedural memory
    and classically conditioned memories.
    Retrieval—the process of getting information out of memory storage.

  • Retrieval cue—a stimulus that provides a trigger to get an item out of memory;

  • Priming—activating specific associations in memory either consciously or

  • Recognition—identification of something as familiar such as multiple choice and
    matching questions on a test;

  • Recall—retrieval of information from LTM in the absence of any other informa-
    tion or cues such as for an essay question or fill-in on a test;

  • Reconstruction—retrieval that can be distorted by adding, dropping, or changing
    details to complete a picture from incomplete stored information;

  • Confabulation—process of combining and substituting memories from events
    other than the one you’re trying to remember;

142 ❯ STEP 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High

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