Familiarity with the relationships among percents, decimals, and fractions can save you time on Test Day. Don’t worry about
memorizing the following chart. Simply use it to refresh your recollection of relationships you already know (e.g., 50% = 0.50 = )
and to familiarize yourself with some that you might not already know. To convert a fraction or decimal to a percent, multiply by
100%. To convert a percent to a fraction or decimal, divide by 100%.
Fraction Decimal Percent Fraction Decimal Percent
0.05 5% 0.40 40%
0.10 10% 0.50 50%
0.125 12.5% 0.60 60%
0.166̅ 0.666̅
0.20 20% 0.75 75%
0.25 25% 0.80 80%
0.333̅ 0.833̅
0.375 37.5% 0.875 87.5%