Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Students should explain how the process of reciprocal determinism impacts attitude. Students can
describe this general influence or use a specific example. This explanation or example should explain the
reciprocal relationship between personality, environment, and behavior, and how these interactions relate
to attitude.


Students should explain how the concept of locus of control describes types of attitudes. Students can
describe this general influence or use a specific example. The explanation should include the attitude that
our actions determine what happens to us (internal locus of control) and/or the attitude that influences
outside our control determines what happens to us (external locus of control). Students could go on to
describe how internal or external locus of controls might lead to other attitudes (e.g., optimism or


Students should explain how belief bias influences attitude. Students can describe this general influence
or use a specific example. This explanation or example should include the idea that we might not change
our attitudes in the face of contradictory evidence, and some attitudes might represent an illogical
conclusion in order to confirm our preexisting beliefs.


Students should explain how the fundamental attribution error contributes to attitude formation. Students
can describe this general influence or use a specific example. The explanation or example should
describe how the mental act of attributing a person’s behavior to their internal disposition rather than to
the situation reflects and establishes an attitude toward that person.

(B) Describe    two interventions   a   psychologist    might   use to  change  a   prejudiced  attitude.   One
intervention should be based on the behaviorist perspective and one intervention should use the
cognitive perspective.


In part B, students need to describe two interventions a psychologist might use to change an attitude. In
order to earn point 7, students need to describe an intervention based on the behavioral perspective. This
intervention needs to clearly use either an operant or classical conditioning technique in order to change
an attitude.


In order to earn point 8, students need to describe an intervention based on the cognitive perspective. This
intervention needs to clearly involve how we interpret, process, or remember events. Using the
perspective, the psychologist would try to intervene in the ways a person mentally interprets or
remembers an event and this change results in a change in attitude.

Question 2 Scoring Rubric

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