Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Question 1 Scoring Rubric

This is an 8-point question. Each application of a term in part A is worth one point (6 points possible)
and each description of an intervention in part B is worth 1 point (2 points possible).
Many different kinds of psychological researchers spend their careers studying the process of attitude
(A) Explain how the following psychological principles influence attitudes.


Students should explain how the motivation to have consistent attitudes and behaviors influences attitudes.
Students can describe this general influence or use a specific example. Students could describe how an
action that is inconsistent with a specific attitude causes dissonance that is reduced when the attitude is


Students should explain how the internal cognitive rules we use to understand the world influences
attitudes. Students can describe this general influence or use a specific example. The student essay could
describe how one of the mental rules we use establishes or changes an attitude, such as a stereotype about
a specific type of person.

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