Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (E) The Rosenhan study of mental institutions showed that confirmation bias, the tendency to pay
    more attention to information that supports one’s views than challenges them, may influence
    clinicians’ views and treatments of mental patients. In this study, a number of people checked
    themselves into a variety of mental institutions, including small private facilities and large public
    ones, reporting that they heard voices saying “empty,” “hollow,” and “thud.” The otherwise normal
    people were admitted and then resumed their normal behavior. The study revealed that it took a
    long time for any of the hospitals’ employees to realize that these patients were not in need of
    treatment, something that might be partly explained by the fact that the staff members tended to
    avoid contact with the patients. When the pseudopatients were released from the hospitals, they
    were diagnosed as schizophrenics in remission, which illustrates the stickiness of labels. The
    Rosenhan study showed that it can be difficult to discern who is mentally ill and who is well.

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