Private Tutor Sat Writing 2013-2014 Prep Course
92 Notice the intro “ing” phrase followed by a comma (When walking down the aisle) to help you catch the Mis- placed Modifier er ...
93 Check out the comma followed by the article “the.” It’s a Run-on error. There is a “being”! (B) a semi-colon functions like a ...
94 1. 2. 3. ERROR ID MISHMASH DRILL ............................................................ While working in Tanzania study ...
95 After working for a few years in a corporate job, 13. A the young woman decided that working at a small B boutique firm was ...
96 19. 25. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. She bargained more aggressively, rising the price A B she was willing to pay and staying well bel ...
97 Answer Key: (B) (C) (C) (E) (C) 6. (C) 7. (C) 8. (D) 9. (E) 10. (D) 11. (E) 12. (D) 13. (E) 14. (C) 15. (E) Answers and Exp ...
98 We have another Sentence Fragment error. But what is causing the problem? (A) “immigrant” is a noun, and ETS is testing dicti ...
99 Your ear might easily catch this one. It’s those nasty Gerunds once again. (A) “over” is a preposition. Is over the last deca ...
100 You hopefully didn’t catch anything glaringly wrong on a first read of the sentence. It is always helpful, however, to check ...
101 Revised sentence: Fitness experts generally seem to find yoga the most A B Counting Error more comprehensive of three common ...
102 Rushing through the wind chimes, today’s morning A gale chimed more louder jingles as it passed by our B C D house. No erro ...
103 Revised sentence: After working for a few years in a corporate job, A the young woman decided that working at a small B work ...
104 Revised sentence: Those entrepreneurs who started dot coms just A B as the Internet boomed in the early 1990s were extraordi ...
105 (B) The son belongs to “her” and the “invention” belongs to the son, so both the possessive pronoun (her) and the possessive ...
106 Your ear might have caught the Gerund/Infinitive Switch, but let’s go through each of the answer choices. (A) “when” refers ...
107 17.An effective advocate to non-violence, Mahatma A Gandhi launched several famous hunger strikes B to protest British rule ...
108 Revised sentence: of Idiom An effective advocate to non-violence, Mahatma A Gandhi launched several famous hunger strikes B ...
109 20.Her daughter is submitting applications to several A B scholarship funds in the hope to acquire C D financial aid to pay ...
110 Revised sentence: Her daughter is submitting applications to several A B of acquiring Gerund / Infinitive Switch scholarship ...
111 22.In the socialist society created by George Orwell in A Animal Farm, both Snowball and Napoleon appear early on as the lea ...
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