Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia
39 Asia 39- Siberian scientists looking for minerals in North Asia have to work in subzero temperatures, and the cold can freeze ...
asia 40 Korea The Korean peninsula juts out from northern China toward Japan. The two Korean nations were at war between 1950 an ...
41 ASIA AsiA Asia is the world’s largest continent. it is a region of contrasts: both in its landscape and its peoples. The brea ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_UK_layer_v3 42 Volcano Mountain Capital city Large city/ town Small city/ town Ancie ...
43 The vasT conTinenT of asia is home to the oldest civilizations and religions in the world. Because asia contains many virtual ...
asia, history of 44 EuropEan domination in 1498, portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama sailed to india around the southern tip of af ...
45 About 3,000 yeArs Ago, a mighty empire rose to power in the Middle east where Iraq is today. this was the Assyrian empire. It ...
46 On April 12, 1961, the world watched in wonder as Yuri Gagarin of russia blasted off from Earth aboard a huge rocket and ente ...
47 Astronomy 47- ObservatOry astronomers study space from observatories (above) that are often at the top of a mountain where th ...
Astronomy 48 Exploring thE univErsE stars and other objects in the universe produce streams of tiny particles and many kinds of ...
49 AtlAntic fishing the Atlantic Ocean, a productive fishing ground for centuries, contains over half the world’s total stock of ...
50 Volcano Mountain Capital city Large city/ town Small city/ town Ancient monument 0 0 1000 2000 1000 2000 SCALE BAR km miles N ...
51 Atmosphere Without the atmosphere, it would be impossible to live on earth. the atmosphere forms a layer, like a blanket arou ...
52 Atoms and molecules Immortal atoms the particles that make up atoms never disappear but are constantly journeying through the ...
53 Located between the IndIan and PacIfIc oceans, australia is a continent and the sixth largest country in the world. It is a l ...
54 australia Great DiviDinG ranGe running along the eastern coast of the continent from Cape York to Ballarat is a 2,300 mile (3 ...
55 australia Canberra Canberra, the capital city of Australia, is situated in the Australian Capital Territory (A.C.T.), an area ...
56 australia Great Victoria Desert Simpson Desert Kimberley Plateau Arnhem Land Sandy Desert Great G r e a t B a r r i e r R e e ...
57 HISTORY OF c. 40,000 bce First Aborigines arrive in Australia from Asia. 1770 Captain Cook sails into Botany Bay and claims A ...
58 Exploration the first explorers of australia mapped out the coastline but left the interior largely untouched. in 1606, the D ...
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