Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Medicine and healing
When seeking a cure for sickness, some
Africans consult Western-style doctors.
Others consult a traditional healer
(above). Healers are respected
members of a community, with vast
knowledge of local herbs and plants and
the ways in which they can be used as
medicines. To identify the source of an
illness, the healer might contact good or
evil spirits by going into a trance.
Treatment may include animal sacrifice.

WAr And fAmine
Civil wars and famines are common in
Africa. many are caused by political
disagreements, and some are the result
of tribal conflicts. in 2010, protests in
Tunisia marked the start of a series
of revolutions across north
Africa and the middle east.
in Sudan, a civil war lasting from
1983 to 2005 ended only with the
creation of the new country of South
Sudan. Other misery is caused by
famine. Traditionally, most people grew
enough food each year to last until the
next harvest. However, African countries
increasingly produce export crops and rely on
imported food. if food distribution breaks down or
drought ruins crops, thousands of people may starve.

rurAl life
Although African cities have been growing fast, most Africans still live in the countryside.
They grow their own food and only rarely have a surplus to sell or exchange for other goods.
most tribes have farmed the same land for generations, living in villages with all of their
relatives. Sometimes the young men go to live in cities for a few years to earn money in mines
or factories. Then they return to the village to marry and settle down. The types of crops
grown vary widely. Yams, cassava,
and bananas are produced in
the lush tropical regions;
farmers in drier areas
concentrate on cattle
and grain.

The Sahara is the largest desert in the
world and covers nearly one-third of
Africa. in recent years, the desert
has spread, destroying farmland
and causing famine. in some areas,
irrigation has stopped the spread of the
desert, but long-term irrigation can make
the soil salty and infertile. Temperatures
have been known to exceed 120 ̊f (50 ̊C)
in this inhospitable environment.

In West Africa,
drumming is a
highly developed
art. People once
used drum
beats to pass
on messages.

poor infrastructure,
including unreliable roads,
railroads, and electricity
supplies, holds back the
economic growth of many
African nations. most
countries rely on loans from
Western governments and
international banks to pay for
their development programs.

muSiC And CulTure
Africa has a rich and varied
culture. north Africa shares
the islamic traditions of the
middle east, producing
beautiful mosques and palaces.
West African music has a strong
rhythm, and there are many
interesting dances from this
region. The area is also home
to a flourishing woodcarving
industry. eastern and
southern Africa have
become famous for
beautiful beadwork and
colorful festive costumes.

Road building
in Nigeria

Africa, history of
Central africa
east africa
South africa
West africa

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