Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Komodo dragon
The Komodo dragon is the
largest lizard—up to 10 ft (3 m)
long. It scavenges on dead animals
and also catches deer, pigs, and wild
boars. Komodo dragons are found only
on a few of the Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia.

gILa monSTer
only three lizards have a poisonous bite—the
gila monster, the mexican beaded lizard,
and the Komodo dragon. The gila
monster (right) is found in dry,
scrubby areas. It hides in a burrow
by day and emerges at night to eat
small animals such as mice, and the
eggs of birds and other reptiles.

Five claws
on feet

anoLe LIzard
anole lizards belong to the iguana family of
lizards. There are many different kinds,
found in tropical areas of Central and
South america. anole lizards are territorial
(they guard their territory). The males
inflate their red-colored throat sacs, which
they display to each other as a sign of
aggression. anole lizards are sometimes
called american chameleons.

green geCKo
many lizards are
colored to blend in
with their surroundings.
Treeclimbing lizards
such as this green gecko
are often bright green
to match the leaves;
desert-dwelling lizards
are sand-colored or brown.
many kinds of chameleons
can change their color
according to their surroundings.

After each dive,
Galapagos marine
iguanas sunbathe
on the rocks to
warm up again.

The slowworm is not really a worm, but a lizard. It is not slow
either; when disturbed, slowworms can wriggle away rapidly to
safety. Slowworms are found in fields and scrubland in
europe, northern africa, and southwestern asia. They feed
on slugs, spiders, and insects. Unlike most lizards,
slowworms give birth to fully formed young.

Male anole lizard
inflates its red
throat sac.

Gila monster feeding
on newborn mice.

Slowworms grow
to about 20 in
(50 cm) in length.

dragon lizards
feasting on the carcass
(dead body) of a deer

Like all lizards, iguanas depend on heat
from the environment to keep their
bodies warm and active. They spend much
of the day basking in the sun, absorbing its
warmth to prepare for activity. at night
they become slow and sluggish as their body
temperature falls. The galapagos marine
iguanas shown here dive to more than 35 ft
(11 m) deep into the sea in search of seaweed.

Thorny devIL
The extraordinary-looking thorny devil is also
called the moloch. Spines protect its body
from nose to tail. Thorny lizards live in dry
parts of australia, where they forage for ants.
when the young molochs hatch from their
eggs, they look like tiny,
spiny versions of
their parents.


TegU LIzard
The young tegu lizard shown left
is found in tropical areas of South
america. It feeds mostly on young
birds and mammals, and also eats
other lizards. Like most lizards,
the tegu has a tough, scaly skin,
a forked tongue, five claws on its
feet, and movable eyelids.

Find out more
Camouflage, animal
desert wildlife


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