Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


A glass rod in a
beaker of water
looks bent
because light
waves travel
slower through
water than
through air.

Rocks and minerals

Find out more

ThERE aRE many foRms of sCiEnCE, and together the sciences seek
to understand the nature and behavior of the universe and everything in it.
science comes from the Latin word for “to know.” scientists find out what
they want to know by practical methods. They observe, take measurements,
make experiments, and write down the results. There are four main categories
(types) of science: natural sciences, physical sciences, technological sciences,
and social sciences. natural sciences include the life sciences, such as biology
and botany, and Earth sciences, such as geology. Physical sciences include
physics and chemistry. Technological science includes engineering and uses
information discovered by scientists to make or build things in the real
world. social sciences study people and include anthropology
and psychology. all the
sciences depend on

sCiEnTifiC mEThod
scientific method involves
using observation and
hypothesis (theory) to
explain things and then
testing these theories
with experiments. To be
sure that their results are
accurate, scientists always
follow strict rules when
making an experiment.
in an experiment only the
conditions under test
must change, everything
else must be kept the
same. in this way,
differences in the results
should only be caused by
the experimenter’s
deliberate changes.

LifE sCiEnCEs
any of the sciences that study
living things is called a life science.
Biology is the study of life
of all kinds, botany is the
study of plants, and
zoology is the study of
animals. Because
animal and plant life
depend on each other,
scientists also study them
together Ecology is the
study of the relationships
between living things of
all kinds and how they
fit in with and affect
their environments.

EaRTh sCiEnCEs
Geography and geology are Earth sciences.
Earth scientists study the structure of our
planet and the way it changes. The study
of rocks and fossils can tell us a lot about
the way the planet and its life have evolved.
since Earth is a living planet, the Earth
sciences are linked to
the life sciences.

soCiaL sCiEnCEs
The sciences that study people are called social sciences.
There are various kinds. anthropology is the study of the life
and culture of the whole of humanity. sociology studies the
way humans behave together in groups; it looks at how
families work, how society is made up, what makes it change,
and how the changes affect people. Psychology is also a social
science, but it looks at how people behave as individuals.

Physics is the
study of matter
and energy and
how they work
together. Because
there are many different kinds of
matter and forms of energy, there
are many different branches of
physics. optics, for example, looks
at the different way light waves can
behave. for instance, they travel at
different speeds through space, air,
glass, or water.


More salt is added to the
water until the salt no
longer dissolves but
sinks to the bottom of
the jar. This is called
the saturation point.

A measured amount of salt
is mixed in to a measured
amount of water.

Shoot grows up
toward the sun.

Geologists study rocks
and crystals.

Bean shoot

Roots absorb water
and nutrients.

A simple experiment
to find out how much
salt can be dissolved
in water



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