Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Renaissance 432
traditional 9, 11, 116, 270,
284, 365, 367, 420, 482, 496,
497, 564
see also composers; opera
musicals 520
music halls 551
musk ox 415
muskrats 307, 334
Muslims see Islam
mussels 462
mutation 229, 427
Myanmar (Burma) 39, 483
Mycenaean culture 83
myofibrils 362
myths and legends 320, 368
aboriginal 9
Arthurian 303
sea monsters 199
unicorn 260




NAACP see National Association
for the Advancement of
Colored People
NAFTA see North American
Free Trade Agreement
Nagasaki, Japan 576
Naismith, James 66
naked mole rats 160
Namib Desert 490
Namibia 542
Nanak, Guru 431
Napoleon Bonaparte 112, 224,
369 , 481, 529
narwhals 414
NASA (National Aeronautics
and Space Administration)
47, 494, 543
National Association for the
Advancement of Colored
People 122
National Football League 214
National Health Service 541
National Organization for
Women 571
national parks 173, 370 , 475
Native Americans 91, 94, 131,
314, 371-372, 381, 383, 407,
544, 565
and American Revolution 22
and bison 382
canoes 372 , 531
Caribbean 133
Central America 108
creation myth 368
dance 152
and diseases 141
rights of 264
Song of Hiawatha 579
South America 36, 80, 130,
267, 477 , 480 , 481
totem poles 384, 531
wampum 351
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty
Organization) 128, 196
natural gas 49, 91, 228 , 453
natural sciences 455
nautilus 462
Navajo people 372, 383
in Cold War 49
Greek 244, 246
US 300
navigation 49, 272, 329, 373
by birds 350
Nazis 158, 259, 575-576
Neagh, Lough 284
Neanderthal people 423, 424
nearsightedness 201
Nebuchadnezzar II, king of
Babylon 61, 572
nebulae 48, 52, 503
nectar 213

needles (conifers) 530
Nefertiti, queen of Egypt 179
Nelson, Horatio 541
nematodes 577
Neolithic Age 506
neon gas 228
Neptune 51, 409, 410
nerve cells see neurons
nerves 78
nervous system 78, 262
nests 75, 374
Netherlands (Holland) 193,
259, 324-325, 453, 578
Dutch colonies 474
nets, fishing 208
neurology 337
neurons (nerve cells) 78
neutrinos 48
neutrons 52, 385
neutron stars 503, 504
New Caledonia 396, 397
Newcomen, Thomas 188
New Deal 306 , 445
New England 381
Newfoundland 94
New Horizons probe 427
New Model Army 189
New Orleans, Louisiana 364
Hurricane Katrina 523
newspapers 124
New Testament 118, 297, 432
Newton, Isaac 215, 243, 456
newts 225
New Year 258
Chinese 114
New York City 382, 416, 542,
543 , 546
Broadway 520
Ellis Island 266 , 505
Harlem 16
Statue of Liberty 505
New York Stock Exchange 158
New Zealand 375-377, 436
history 146, 377
NFL see National Football League
Niagara Falls 438
Nicaragua 108
nickel 397
Niépce, Joseph 404
Niger Delta 562
Nigeria 10, 11, 71, 562
nights 522
Nile River 13, 151, 174, 178 ,
379 , 380, 438
nirvana 84
nitrogen 51
Nixon, Richard 300
Nobel prizes 16, 180, 339, 427,
for peace 119, 264, 332
Noh drama 321
nomads 43, 106, 110, 125, 172,
205, 282, 347, 379, 490, 534,
561, 562
Nordic Council 452
Normandy, France 220 , 378
Normans 100, 378 , 540
North Africa 11, 379-380
North America 381-384
see also Canada; Mexico;
United States of America
North American Free Trade
Agreement 343
North Atlantic Drift 387
North Carolina 131
Northern Ireland 284, 536, 538
Giant’s Causeway 441
northern lights 35
North Korea 40, 304, 305
North Pole 34, 35, 170, 373
magnetic 93, 329
wildlife 414—415
North Sea 417, 453
North Sea Oil 452, 453 , 536,
Norway 34, 35, 236, 452-453
notation, musical 364

novels 320, 321 , 578-579
Novosibirsk, Russia 448
NOW see National Organization
for Women
Nubian Desert 174
nuclear disarmament 129
nuclear energy 385
nuclear fission 385
nuclear fusion 77, 385
nuclear missiles 440 , 548
nuclear physics 406
nuclear power 52, 58, 385 , 427,
Chernobyl disaster 493, 535
nuclear radiation 385
nuclear reactors 385
nuclear submarines 508
nuclear weapons 52, 129, 180,
377, 385, 427, 440, 508, 576
nucleus (atoms) 52
Nullarbor Plain 56
numbers 386
Nurek Dam 151
nurses 64
nutritional diseases 164
nuts 226
nylon 413
nymphs 280
oak trees 227, 530
oath of allegiance 266
OAU see Organization of
African Unity
Obama, Barack 16, 548
Obama, Michelle 425
obas 71
Oberammergau passion play 234
oboes 366
observatories 47, 48
obsidian 336
oceanography 388
oceans and seas 125, 169, 170,
231, 387-391, 422, 556
currents 272, 387 , 414
legends of 199
measuring depth of 373
storm surge 507, 523
tides 355, 387
volcanoes 554
wildlife 155-156, 389-391
see also Atlantic Ocean; Indian
Ocean; Pacific Ocean
O’Connor, Sandra Day 511
octopuses 244, 390, 391
office communication 278
Ohain, Hans von 188
Ohrid, Lake 489
oil 392 , 513
Africa 106, 379, 380, 561, 562
Atlantic Ocean 49
Azerbaijan 103
Brunei 40, 484
Middle East 283, 347, 348,
North America 91, 343, 383
North Sea 452, 453 , 536, 539
Peru 476
Tierra del Fuego 37
oil barriers 418
oil painting 400
oil refineries 392
oil rigs 392, 453
oil spills 417, 418
oil tankers 419, 463
oil wells 392
Olds Motor Works 548
Old Testament 118, 432
Olduvai Gorge 31
olive oil 392
olives 498
Olmecs 60, 383
Olympia, Greece 393, 572
Olympic Games 66, 393 , 498, 512
ommatidia 279
omnivores 175, 330
One thousand and One Nights,

opera 80, 137, 233
Chinese 116
opera glasses 517
ophthalmology 337
optics 406, 455
oral literature 320
orangutans 353, 483
orbits 451
orca 566, 567
orchids 142
ordinal numbers 386
ores 342, 442
organic farming 204
Organization of African Unity
organs 23, 24, 262, 263
fish 206
Orion spacecraft 494
Orkney Islands 537
Orléans, France 298
Ornithischians 162, 163
Orthodox Church, Eastern 118,
119 , 244, 446, 487, 489, 535
orthopedics 337
Osaka, Japan 294
oscillation 183, 426
ossicles 168
ostriches 74
Oswald, Lee Harvey 300
otters 25, 307
Ottoman Empire 87, 196, 394 ,
488, 533
outback 54
outriggers 396
outside broadcasts 518
human 434, 435
plant 212, 411
Owen, Robert 274
owls 216, 241
oxbow lakes 438
oxen 415, 509, 528
oxygen 51, 52, 170, 250, 263,
326, 362, 395 , 411, 422, 440,
oxygen cycle 395
oxytocin 435
oysters 462
ozone layer 27, 51, 417 , 418 ,
422, 513
Pacific Islands 199, 396-397,
544, 576
Pacific Ocean 145, 146, 153,
377, 387, 396-397
overland route to 314
Ring of Fire 554
paddy fields 205
paella 497
pagodas 32, 84
painters 398-399, 498
painting 400-401
see also cave paintings; rock
Pakistan 39, 40, 269
paleontologists 218, 422
Palenque, Mexico 108, 336
Palestine 150, 259, 289, 297
Palladio, Andrea 433
Pallas’s cat 242
Pallas’s sandgrouse 242
palm trees 160, 531
pampas 36, 176, 241, 476
Panama 108
Panama Canal 109, 419
pandas 68 , 115
Pangaea 145
Panhard, René 98
panthers 319
Papua New Guinea 310, 396
papyrus 403
parables 297
parachuting and parasailing 502
parallax 504
parasites 69, 279 , 577
Paris, France 219-220, 224, 369
Eiffel Tower 220 , 466
Metro 527

Parisii 105
Paris Opera House 33
Parker, Charlie 364
Parks, Rosa 122 , 301
parliaments 157
English 189, 540
European 194, 541
UK regions 536, 541
parrotfish 207
parrots 75, 217
Parthenon 32, 244, 245
Parthians 61
particles 48, 52, 72
Passover 431
passports 194
pasta 290
pasteurization 339
Pasteur, Louis 339, 457
Patagonia 36
Patriarch 119
Patuxet people 131
Paxton, Joseph 550
peacocks 75, 216
Pearl Harbor 548, 575
pearls 462
peas 226, 230
peat 127, 284
pediatrics 337
pediments 33
Pedro II, emperor of Brazil 481
Pelé 471
pelicans 334
pendulum 126
penguins 27, 143, 198, 415 , 477
penicillin 167, 339 , 363
penis 434
Penn, William 223
Pentagon 240
peonies 242
Pepys, Samuel 578
percussion 367
perestroika 129, 493
perfumes 213, 221
see also smell
Pericles 245
periodic table 113
periscopes 508
peristalsis 161
periwinkles 459
permafrost 39
Perón, Juan and Eva 481
perpetual motion 327
Persepolis, Iran 402
Persians 19, 44, 61, 321, 402
Persian wars 246
personal computers 138
personal video recorder 518,
Perth, Australia 55
Peru 476 , 480
Incas 141, 267 , 478, 480
pesticides 176, 204, 417
pests 85, 279
petals 212
petanque 221
petrochemicals 392
phalanx 19
pharaohs 178
Pharos lighthouse 572
Philadelphia, PA 154, 223
Philip II, king of Spain 185, 247
Philip II of Macedon 19, 245
Philippines 40, 482 , 484
philosophers, Greek 246
Phoenicians 20, 403
phonograph 177
photography 89 , 404-405
aerial 31
space 409-410
war 124
photons 315
photophores 155
photosynthesis 395, 411, 530


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