physical sciences 455
physics 180, 406 , 455
physiology 73
pianos 367
Picasso, Pablo 399 , 498
pictograms 20
pieces of eight 408
pigeons 74
pigments 400, 401
pigs 202, 203 , 205
pike 307
Pilgrims 131, 407
pine cones 530
pirates 408
Pitcairn 397
pixels 405, 519
Pizarro, Francisco 141
placenta 330, 435
plague 248
see also Black Death
Planck, Max 457
planetary nebula 503
planets 169, 170, 409-410
atmospheres 51
moons 355
plankton 346, 389, 414, 461
planning, city 121
Plantagenets 378
plantains 561
plantations 79, 95, 108, 467,
plants 73, 175, 212-213, 411-412
aquatic 227, 307, 308
desert 159, 160
endangered species 142
fruits and seeds 226-227
grassland 241, 242
medicinal 167
microscopic 346
mountain 358
polar regions 414, 415
oxygen cycle 395
prehistoric 422, 423
seashore 458, 459
simple 356
plastics 52, 392, 413
plastic surgery 513
platelets 250
plate tectonics 145 , 171, 554
Plato 135, 238 , 246
platypuses 26, 374
plesiosaurs 162
plot (literature) 320
plows 204, 205, 327, 456, 509
plums 226
Pluto 410
plutonium 427
Plymouth rock chickens 202
Plymouth, Massachusetts 407
pneumostatic skeletons 466
poaching 143, 173, 184
pods 226, 227
poets 321 , 460, 578-579
points, railroad 526
poison arrow frogs 217
poisonous fungi 363
Poland 259, 575
polar bears 34, 68, 414
Polaris (North Star) 373
Polaroid cameras 89
polar regions 27, 34, 125, 569
wildlife 414-415
poles see North Pole; South Pole
police 91, 311
political parties 140, 416
politics 140, 238-240, 393, 571
pollen 346
pollination 209, 213 , 279, 411
Pollock, Jackson 399
pollution 51, 125, 127, 142, 156,
164, 169, 187, 417-418
Asia 110, 293, 304
car filters for 97
and drought 557
Industrial Revolution 274
lakes and rivers 307, 308, 448
Mexico City 343
Nigeria 562
oceans 389
rivers 438
Romania 487
and transportation 529
Polo, Marco 200 , 290
polycarbonate 413
polymers 413
Polynesia 396
Polynesians 53, 199, 375, 544
polyps 147
polystyrene 413
polythene 413
Pompeii 443, 554
Pompey the Great 88
pond weed 307
pond worms 577
Pontius Pilate 297
Poor Richard’s Almanack 223
Popocatapetl 383
Pope(s) 112, 119 , 195, 291, 394,
398, 429
poppies 213, 226
porcupines 242, 331
Po River 290, 292
porpoises 390, 566
port (fortified wine) 420
ports 419
Portugal 71, 420-421
exploration and colonies 44,
79, 116, 195, 200, 476, 480,
Portuguese man-of-war 147, 466
postal services 529
posture 249
potatoes 185, 199, 411, 412, 472
potential energy 186
potholing 104
Potsdam Conference 128
pottery see ceramics
poultry 202, 203, 204
poverty 79, 158, 476
Victorian Britain 550, 551
powerboats 464
Powers, Gary 128
power stations 181, 182, 186,
228, 251, 392, 557
and pollution 417
Prague 429
prairies 93, 241
prawns 24, 148
prayer 430
praying mantises 280
precious stones 442
pregnancy 331, 434-435
prehensile tails 353
prehistoric life 422-423
see also dinosaurs; fossils
prehistoric peoples 195, 424 ,
armor 38
Britain 540
calendars 522
dance 152
and fire 187
music 364
Neaderthals 423
North America 94
Pacific 199
tools 286, 442, 456, 506 , 513
see also Bronze Age; cave
paintings; Iron Age; Stone
premature babies 435
presidency 238, 425
Presley, Elvis 365
primates 330, 353-354, 483
printers (machines) 89, 139
printing 20, 132, 268, 277, 405,
432, 456
prism 132
prisons 332, 370
privateers 408
probability theory 335
proboscis monkey 334
production line 548
progesterone 435
Prohibition 416
prominences (sun) 510
propaganda 574
propane 228
propellers 463, 464, 508
prophets 288
proscenium arch 521
prosthetic limbs 513
Protestantism 118, 119, 185,
protoctists 346
protons 52
protostars 503
protozoa 23
Prudhoe Bay 35
Przewalski’s horse 261
pseudopods 346
psychiatry 248, 337
psychoanalysis 339
psychology 455
pterosaurs 162, 211, 423
Ptolemy 133
puberty 435
public health 248
public houses 538
public law 311
Pueblos 372
Puerto Rico Trench 49
puffballs 363
pulleys 328 , 456, 568
pulp (teeth) 515
pulsars 48, 504
pumice 554
pump 456
punctuation 20
Punjab 271, 276
pupae 86, 209, 280
puppies 166, 331
Purcell, Henry 136
Puritans 131, 265, 407
purple dye 403
Purple Heart 300
Putin, Vladimir 493
PVC 413
PVR see personal video recorder
pygmies 10, 107
pygmy hogs 142
pygmy shrews 23
American 60, 108, 336, 383
Egyptian 178, 404, 568, 572
Pyrenees 193, 219, 499
Pythagoras 456
pythons 436, 470
quantum mechanics 406
quantum theory 457
quarks 52
quartz 126, 442
quasars 48
Quebec, Canada 91, 92, 94
Quechua people 477
Quetzalcoatl 141, 368
quipus 267
Qur’an see Koran
Ra 368
rabbits 331, 334, 374
raccoons 68
race relations 264, 301
see also African-Americans;
racing cars 98, 290
radar 17, 48, 373
radar detection 277
radiation (heat) 251
radiation, nuclear 385
radio 120, 183, 277, 281, 426 ,
445, 457
radioactive dating 30, 231
radioactive decay 169
radioactive waste 385
radioactivity 427 , 493
radio direction finding 373
radio frequencies 426
radiosondes 558
radio telescopes 517
radio waves 48, 426 , 516, 518,
radius 335
radon 427
rafflesia, giant 412
Raffles, Thomas Stamford 482
ragas 270
ragworms 577
railroads see trains
rain 428 , 556, 558
rainbows 132, 428
rain forests 125, 143, 176, 418
Africa 106, 563
Amazon 79, 80 , 130, 476,
477, 531
Asia 39
ferns 356
wildlife 217
rain gauges 558
Raleigh, Sir Walter 185
Ramadan 258, 431
Randolph, Edmund 312
rapids 438
rats 176
rattlesnakes 470
rays (fish) 390, 458, 461
rays (science) 48, 251
Ray, Satyajit 270
razor clams 458
Reagan, Ronald 129
“Rebs” 124
receiver, television 519
Recife, Brazil 481
rectum 161
recycling 342, 417 , 472
red blood cells 250 , 262
Red Cross 64
red-eyed tree frog 225
red giants and supergiants 503
red shift 72
redwood trees 384
reefs see coral reefs
reflecting telescopes 517
reflexes 78
Reformation 119, 429
refracting telescopes 517
refraction 316
refrigerators 252, 418
refugees 173, 491, 536
Liberian 563
reincarnation (rebirth) 255,
relative dating 422
relativity, theory of 77, 180 , 406,
457, 522
religions 43, 365, 430-431, 562
see also Buddhism;
Christianity; festivals;
Hinduism; Islam Judaism;
rituals; Zoroastrianism
religious plays 234, 340, 520
religious freedom 196, 265 , 394
Rembrandt 398, 399
remote control 439
Renaissance 313, 338, 340, 398,
401, 432-433
renewable resources 186
human 434-435
plant 411
reptiles 24, 149, 162, 198, 211,
423, 436-437
see also particular animals
Republican Party 140, 416 , 425
republics 238
rescues 253
reservations 371, 372, 383
reservoirs 151, 309, 380, 438,
resistance movements 259, 298,
resonance 473
respiration 263, 326, 395
Resurrection 118, 297, 431
retina 201
Revere, Paul 21
revolts 76, 105, 196
by slaves 467
revolutions 21-22, 224, 283, 343,
369, 481, 555
rheas 241
Rhine River 234, 235, 438
rhinoceroses 143, 331, 482
woolly 423
Rhode Island 543
Rhode Island red 202
rhubarb 226
rhythm 364
rib cage 326
rice 40, 42, 114, 116, 205, 483,
rice cakes 294
Richard I “the Lionheart,” king
of England 150
Richter scale 171
Richthofen, Manfred von 573
Riga, Latvia 62
rights see human rights
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 79
Rio Grande 344
rituals 9, 152, 430
rivers 309, 387, 438 , 441
Africa 106, 107, 174
Arctic 34
Asia 39, 40, 111, 268, 270,
347, 483, 509
Europe 190, 192, 220, 234,
235, 285, 420, 448, 486, 487,
North America 344, 381,
South America 79, 477
underground 104
USA 314
wildlife 307-308
roadrunners 160
Robben Island, South Africa
Robespierre, Maximilien 224
robots 439
rock and roll 152, 365
Rocket (locomotive) 527
rockets 440 , 494
engines 187, 395, 440
rock music 365
rock paintings 54
see also cave paintings
rocks 231 , 427, 441-442, 472
liquid 169
pumice 554
seashores 459
Rocky Mountains 91, 314, 357,
381, 543
rodents 241, 307, 331
rods and cones 201
Roentgen, Wilhelm 580
Roman alphabet 20
Roman Catholicism 118, 119
in the Americas 79, 92, 108,
300, 481
in England 185, 240
humanism and 432
in Italy 291
in Portugal 420
Reformation and 429
in Spain 496
Roman Empire 32, 38, 63, 87,
105, 178, 195, 443-444, 533
in Africa 379
aqueducts 82, 195
art 398
and Christianity 63, 87, 118,
195, 297
fall of 340
law 311
learning 432, 456
and London 536
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