measurements 560
Pompeii 443, 554
roads 528
slaves 467
start of 88
theater 520
Romania 486 , 487 , 493
Roman numerals 386
Roman Republic 88
Romantic movement 137, 399
Rome, city of (ancient) 112,
sack of 63
Rome, city of (modern) 119,
see also Vatican City
Roosevelt, Eleanor 445
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 140,
158, 306, 445
roots 227, 356, 411 , 472, 530
mangrove 334
rosary 119
roses 213, 486, 536
Rosetta Stone 20
Rosh Hashanah 258
Ross Ice Shelf 28
rotors 253
Roundheads 189
Round Table 303
roundworms 577
router 281
rowan see mountain ash
Royalists 189
rubber 481, 482
Rubicon River 88
rudders 463
rugby 214, 376
Ruhr Valley, Germany 232, 234
Rump Parliament 189
runner beans 227
Rushmore, Mount 317
Russia (pre-Soviet) 369, 450
Russian Federation 39, 42, 103,
129, 446-449, 452
see also Soviet Union
Russian Orthodox Church 446
Russian Revolution 450 , 492
rust 287
Ruth, Babe 65
Rutherford, Ernest 52
Rwanda 11, 106, 173
Ryukyu Islands, Japan 295
Sacajawea 314
sacrifice 60, 336
Saddam Hussein 348
safaris 173
sagas 321
Sagrada Familia 498
Sahara Desert 10, 11, 14, 106,
125, 160 , 205, 379, 558, 561
Saigon, Vietnam 552
St. Basil’s Cathedral 446
St. Helens, Mount 384
St. Peter’s Basilica 291, 433
St. Petersburg (formerly
Leningrad), Russia 446 , 493
saints 119, 199, 285, 298, 302
Saladin 150
salamanders 142, 225, 308
salivary glands 161
salmon 350 , 452
salt 113, 442, 455, 483, 556
salt marshes 459
salty lakes 309
Samarkand 43, 110
samurai 293
San Andreas fault 145, 171
sand 237
sand eels 458
sand hoppers 458
San Diego Zoo 581
sandstone 231
sand tiger shark 389
San Francisco, CA 171, 252,
370, 451, 544
sangoma 475
San Marino 291
San Martín, José de 481
San people 490
sans-culottes 224
Santa Maria 133
Santana, Carlos 256
São Paulo, Brazil 79
São Tomé and Principe 13
saplings 531
Sarajevo, Bosnia 193, 488
sardines 389, 421
Sardinia 290, 291
Sargasso Sea 207, 387
Sargon, king of Akkad 509
satellites 47, 48, 231, 373, 406,
449, 451 , 457, 493, 510
communications 426, 516
and television 518, 519
weather 558
X-ray telescopes 580
saturation point 455
Saturn 355, 410
Saudi Arabia 347, 349
Mecca 288, 361
saunas 453
Saurischians 162
savanna 10, 172, 241, 242
saxifrages 415
scales, animal 206, 331, 437
scales, musical 364
scales, weighing 560
scallops 462
Scandinavia 191, 452-454
see also Vikings
baggage 580
medical 278, 337, 513
scarab beetles 70, 179
Scheherazade 320
Schindler, Oscar 259
Schindler’s List 360
Schliemann, Heinrich 30
science 455-457
history of 432, 456-457
measurement systems 560
see also chemistry; physics
science fiction 439
scientific method 455
scientific research 27, 28, 46,
177, 223
Scilly Islands 49
scissors 328
scorpionflies 280
scorpions 500
Scotland 185, 444, 536, 540
Highlands 537, 538
Shetland and Orkney 537
tourism 538
Scott, Andrew 317
screws 327
sculpture 433, 442
scurvy 146
scutes 331
sea see oceans and seas
sea cucumber 156
sea horses 207
sea lily 156
sea pens 422
sea slugs 469
sea snakes 470
sea stars 459
seals (animals) 142, 143, 414,
hunting 282
seals (stamps) 61, 276
seaplanes 17
searchlights 315
seashore 388, 458-459, 577
seasons 170
seaweed 390, 412, 459
sector 335
sedimentary rocks 441
seed drill 204
seeds 226-227, 531
segmented worms 577
Seine River 219
seines 208
seismic waves 231
seismology 171
Selassie, Haile 542
semen 434
semiconductors 183
Semper, Gottfried 233
Senate 140 , 144
Seneca Falls convention 571
Senegal 561
senses 25-26, 78, 101
Seoul, South Korea 42, 304
sepals 212
sepia 391
sequoia trees 530, 531
Serbia 196, 486, 487, 573
Sermon on the Mount 297
servants 131, 550
service industries 525
Seville, Spain 497
sex hormones 435
sex organs 434
sextants 373
sexual intercourse 434
Seychelles 272
shadows 315
shahada 288
Shakespeare, William 320, 460 ,
520, 538
shale 231 , 441
Shang dynasty, China 83
Shanghai, China 115
Shannon River 285
shanty towns 79
Sharjah 348
sharks 23, 25, 207, 389, 461
egg cases 458
Sharp, Granville 468
Shaw, George Bernard 520
sheep 37, 54, 202 , 375, 534
cloned 230
shellfish 459, 462
Sherman, General William 124
Shetland Islands 537, 539
Shetland ponies 261
Shi’ah Muslims 283
shields 303
Shinkansen 293
Shintoism 293, 321
shipbuilding 463, 538
ships 215, 463-464, 528
ancient Egyptian 178
battleships 551
cruise liners 27, 463 , 528 , 574
ice-breakers 34
junks 115, 463, 528
Phoenician 403
pirate 408
and ports 419
sailing 53, 131, 133, 146, 153,
195, 407, 464
slave ships 131, 467, 468
steamships 275, 464
steel 287
triremes 246, 464
Viking 553
see also boats; navigation
shipwrecks 31
Shire horses 261
Shiva 255
shivering 252
Shockley, William 183, 457
shooting stars see meteors
shopping 121, 278
shrimp 148, 459, 491
shrubs 412 , 415
Siberia 39, 282, 447, 448
Sicily 76, 290, 291 , 292, 378
sickle-cell anemia 164
sidewinders 160
sieges 87, 99, 150, 493
Sierra Madre, Mexico 344
Sifrhippus 260
signals, railroad 527
sign language
for the deaf 310
Native American 371
Sikhism 268, 271, 431
Sikorsky, Igor 253
silent movies 359
silicon 183
Silicon Valley, California 546
silk 199
Silk Road 39, 43, 110, 524
silkworms 85
silver 342, 343, 480, 565
silverfish 280
Simon, Neil 579
Simpson, O. J. 312
Singapore 40, 44, 419, 430,
single-celled organisms 346
singularity 72
sinter 287
Sioux tribe 371, 372
Sistine Chapel 398 , 401
Six Day War 348
skeletal muscle 362
skeletons 23, 262, 465-466
of birds 74
external 24, 279, 466
of fish 206
skiing 502, 512
skin 229, 262
skinks 322, 437
skuas 414
sky 51
skyscrapers 91, 543
slag 287
slate 441
slavery 14, 16, 71, 79, 95, 123, 131,
144, 264, 467-468, 480, 579
abolition 8 , 317, 468
in ancient world 443, 467
and music 544
rebellions 467
Underground Railroad
escape route 8, 317, 532
slaves, freed 106, 317, 481, 563
Slavs 489
sleep 78
Slieve League 285
sloths 217
Slovenia 488
slow-motion effect 360
slowworms 323
slugs 469
smallpox 248
smell 25-26, 74, 213
smelting 286, 287
Smith, Maggie 460
snails 254, 469
snakes 26, 159, 160, 217, 242,
308, 334, 436 , 470
snake’s-head fritillary 213
snakeskins 143
snow 428
snow geese 415
snow leopards 143
snowmobiles 34, 282
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
soccer 81, 471 , 477
social reform 551
social sciences 455
Social Security 240
sociology 455
Socrates 246
sodium chloride 113
software 139, 277
soil 472 , 530
solar cells 181, 510
solar eclipses 510
solar energy 186, 510
solar flares 510
solar system 72, 169, 409, 410 ,
solar wind 134, 510
solids 251
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr 447
Somalia 172, 174, 408
Somerset, James 468
sonar 508
sonnets 460
Sophocles 246
souks 380
sound 168, 326, 473
waves 72, 186, 406, 473
sound barrier 17, 18
sound effects 521
South Africa (country) 15,
238, 264, 332, 474-475, 490
South America 476-481
history 480-481
pampas 36, 176, 241, 476
Southeast Asia 39, 40, 43, 44,
Southeast Europe
central 486-487
Mediterranean 488-489
Southern Africa (region) 490-491
see also South Africa
Southern Ocean 27, 387
South Korea 40, 42, 44, 304 , 305
South Pole 27
magnetic 329
wildlife 414-415
South Sudan 11, 12
Soviet Union 62, 103, 110, 193,
196, 492-493, 535
breakup of 129
Cold War 49, 128-129
Communism 135, 196, 446,
447, 486, 492-493
and Cuba 548
space program 46, 129, 355,
447, 449, 493, 494, 495
and World War II 575, 576
see also Russian Federation
Soweto, South Africa 474
Soyuz spacecraft 129, 494
space 134, 169
spacecraft 395, 410, 427, 494-
see also rockets
space flight 46 , 237, 300, 335,
447, 449, 493, 494-495, 529,
moon landings 46, 355,
space probes, robot 439
space race 129
space shuttle 495
spacesuits 46
space telescopes 47
spadefoot toads 142
Spain 100, 185, 334, 496-497
colonies and empire 36, 108,
130, 131, 141, 267, 343, 476,
480, 481
conquistadors 60, 141 , 267
see also Hispanic Americans
Spanish Civil War 496, 497
Spanish language 256, 310
Sparnodus 218
Sparta 245
Speaker of the House 140
special effects 360
spectacled bear 358
spectrum 132 , 456
speech 20
sperm 434
sperm whales 567
sphagnum moss 356
Sphynx cat 102
spices 199, 217, 226, 412
spiders 142, 358, 374, 466,
472, 500
Spielberg, Steven 360
spies 123, 128
spina bifida 164
spinal cord 78, 262, 466
spine 262, 465, 466
spiral staircases 100
Spitsbergen, Arctic 34
sponges 23, 24
spores 356, 363
indeX. romania – SporeS
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