Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


The Big Bang,
13.7 billion

years ago BIG BANG

NEarly 14 billioN yEars ago, the universe
exploded out of virtually nothing. The first scientist to
propose this astonishing theory, now known as the big
bang, was george lemaître (1894-1966). His idea was
supported by the work of Edwin Hubble (1889-1953),
which showed that the universe is expanding. if this is so,
the entire cosmos must have originated from a single point
of explosion. but what was that single point? scientists call
it a “singularity”—a tiny, infinitely dense dot that once
contained all the matter of the universe. such
a thing is impossible to imagine, and even
astronomers do not really understand it. yet within a few minutes of
the big bang, the single point would have been converted
into an immense, expanding cloud of gas. over
millions of years this became the galaxies,
stars, and planets of the universe.

DopplEr EffEcT
christian Doppler (1803-53)
showed that sound waves are
compressed if the source is moving
toward your ear and stretched if it
is moving away. This alters the pitch
of the sound you hear. The same
principle applies to light waves
arriving from distant stars.

rED sHifT
The light from some stars looks
redder than it should. This is due
to the Doppler Effect and shows
that these stars are moving away
from us. Distant galaxies also look
redder, but because the whole of
space is expanding their light waves
are stretched when they reach us.
This is called red shift.

cHaiN of EvENTs
scientists believe that the universe
was created in an explosive event
called the big bang. at the instant of
creation, matter was concentrated in
an infinitely small, dense dot called a
singularity. This then began to expand
and cool, allowing the conversion of
energy into particles. after thousands
of years, these particles joined to
make atoms of hydrogen and
helium that would eventually
form galaxies and stars.

Galaxies started to
form 500 million years
after the Big Bang.

Stars formed in
spinning clouds of
dust and gas.

The sound waves of an ambulance
siren are compressed as it comes
nearer, reducing their wavelength
and raising their pitch.

First life forms
appeared on Earth,
3.8 billion years ago.

If a star is moving away, its
light waves are stretched
out and shift toward the
red end of the spectrum.

If a star is staying in the
same position relative to
Earth, then the wavelengths
of light emitted remain




If a star is moving toward
Earth, light waves are
compressed and shift to the
blue end of the spectrum.

As the ambulance
moves away, the
siren’s sound
waves stretch,
increasing their
wavelength and
lowering their pitch.

The solar system
formed, 4.6 billion
years ago.


Find out more

frED HoylE
it was astronomer fred Hoyle
(1915-2001) who suggested
the term “big bang” as a joke.
He believed the universe had
no beginning and no end.

Stretched wave, light redder

Compressed waves, light bluer

Wavelength and color

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