MacMillan Childrens Dictionary
Read and color/colour. The balloons are yellow. The cake is purple. The juice is green. The candles are black. The ice cream ...
Opposites long short tall short Ask and answ er >Whot's the °PposHe of heov)'? >Light. � " J3< V' LIb sod old I �, wet ...
Spot the difference. Complete. (^1). The girl is tall. The girl is shQrt. She is feeling She is feeling !-leT shoes are Her s ...
Animals 1 sheep horse cheeloh 1" OInt, ask, and anSWer. -"Wha/.'s !hj s? ">-1t' (^5) II. .., (^11) ('(, 1'. goal •• donkey co ...
, camel panda gorillo • kangaroo , , 1/ I polar bear chimpanzee , ,. '" monkey reindeer rhino I trunk tail elephant ...
.� s:: -( Look at the first letters and complete. Lee is a lion. Winnie is a Tom is a Gill is a S. Zak is a Molly is a Ed i ...
Look at the picture. 13 Write the animal wo�,ds. .- 15 l. begr 2. \ 6. The zoo ...
Animals 2 ,. pnw \ dog snake crocodile Fin� the ani mals beglllning With "s". �{llljrrd I '" worm snail (ut spider ny squirrel ...
parrot --"' - peacock goose penguin duck ostrich swan seal dolphin octopus jellyfish fish sea horse shark ...
N .!!l 1. Match and complete. " .e .... d ..:t: a b fr, • Don has a fros. 4. Lisa has a Carol has a 5. Guy has a Will has a 6. ...
I I Sort, write, and draw. Where do they live? h)!Cc,i,e parrot shark squirrel octopus fly , ------ lobster snake butterfl ...
Food 1 Fruit yeapes pear apple POint, ask ' an d ansWer >Do you like gr(/p£'s? . >Ycs, J do. / N 0, J don 'f. orange plum ...
Vegetables tomato oUvcs beans garlic pepper lettuce • eggplant ;:: 1 :: aubergine zucchini �;� courgette cauliflower onion bro ...
'0 0 0 � Write �es or no about you. Do you like ...? apples bananas ~ grapes watermelon ®$'@ 5. pineapple G@@ 6. olives p ...
Circle and write the food words. b a n a n a d s e r r e t w z p e a r c d 0 a p e k n b v C(�) a y t n r a w d p s t g n e s ...
Food 2 meat tea egg coJTee cheese I1sh nuts milk soup . sugar Find the wor ds with tJve le tters. >Suuur, '" �v pasta ric ...
__ � .�A- " • � ____ • .. ____ _ salad spaghetti pizzo burger and French fries '�I�' I "_ .' )urger and chips slew yogurt ::: ...
N "0 1. Match and write. o � MQr �Qret ". 1 Draw and label your lunch. n ]� �., .. ' R " � ... �. "�� �. � '. ( -- ...
, Circle the odd one out. mayonnaise chocolale olive oil ketchup sugar stew meal fish noodles tea rice pasta tea coffee milk ...
In the Home 1 Room shelf window - floor __ Kitchen n kettle pot frying pan =-.... 1 """'" -;..;0 .. ..." saucepan drawer Point ...
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