The New Childrens Encyclopedia
Reptiles Reptiles are cold-blooded vertebrates that have tough skin covered in scales. The scales are made of keratin—the same m ...
LONG NECK The common snake-necked turtle uses its long neck to lunge at prey. There are 4,500 species of lizard, from the enorm ...
Birds There are around 9,700 species of bird. Like mammals, they are warm-blooded vertebrates, but unlike most mammals, they lay ...
OLength 12 in (30 cm) OWingspan 24 in (60 cm) OWeight 16 oz (450 g) OLocation High Arctic to the Mediterranean Puffins a ...
106 Penguins Agile and speedy in the water, penguins more than make up for their inability to fly. These birds hunt fish, krill, ...
107 OLength 13–20 in (34–50 cm) OWeight 1–3¼ lb (0.5–1.5 kg) ODiet Small birds OLocation Worldwide (except Antarctica) T ...
108 Fish Fish are the biggest and oldest group of vertebrate. They were the first animals to have backbones, evolving 500 millio ...
Red-bellied piranha Pygocentrus nattereri Puffer fish Diodon sp. Clown anemonefish Amphiprion ocellaris OLength 13 in (33 cm) ...
Invertebrates There are thought to be 5 million species of invertebrate roaming the planet— that’s 95 percent of all animal life ...
LIVING WORLD In a classification tree of the animal kingdom ( p. 84–85), there is no group called invertebrates. There is one ca ...
Amazing arthropods With more than a million species, arthropods make up the largest phylum (main group) in the animal kingdom. T ...
AMAZING ARTHROPODS OLength 4 in (10 cm) OLegspan 7 in (18 cm) OPrey Insects, mammals, lizards OLocation western central ...
114 Incredible insects Insects are the most successful animals on Earth. There are more than one million known species, but scie ...
INCREDIBLE INSECTS 115 EGG LAYING Insects reproduce by laying eggs. After mating, a female ladybug lays her eggs on a leaf. Abo ...
Bugs and beetles The word “bug” is often used to mean any creepy-crawly, but it is actually an order of a particular kind of ins ...
Tortoise beetle Eugenysa regalis Diving beetle Dytiscus marginalis Ten-spotted ground beetle Thermophilum decemguttatum Shining ...
Marine invertebrates Huge numbers of invertebrates live in the sea. Some, such as corals and sponges, live fixed to the spot, bu ...
OWidth 10–14 in (25–35 cm) OLocation Northern hemisphere coastal waters The dahlia anemone’s colorful, flowerlike body grows ...
What are you doing here? Birds that can’t fly and reptiles that appear to; snakes that live in the sea and fish out of water... ...
A DIFFERENT APPROACH We’re used to seeing certain animals in particular places, but in the struggle for life, many animals find ...
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