The New Childrens Encyclopedia
80 Looking to the future Humans are the dominant species on the planet. We make use of all of the Earth’s resources, but there i ...
SLEEP AND DREAMS 81 LOOKING TO THE FUTURE UNDER THREAT: PROTECTING SEEDS OMore than one-third of all flowering plants are vuln ...
LIVING WORLD What features make carnivores such efficient predators? Find out on pages 96–97 How many types of feather do birds ...
LIVING WORLD Tropical forest and rain forest Temperate forest, including woodland Coniferous forest, including woodland Polar re ...
Life on Earth Life on Earth is hugely varied. Sunflowers and sharks look like they have nothing in common, but all living things ...
THREATENED SPECIES OThe word “organism” refers to any living thing. OThere are different ways of classifying organisms. They ...
Plant life There are 400,000 identified species of plant in the world. From the tallest redwood tree to the smallest duckweed, a ...
Photosynthesis All living things need food for energy but, unlike animals, plants make their own food. The plant’s leaves absorb ...
There are two main groups of plant: those that make seeds in order to reproduce, and those that are seedless. Seedless plants re ...
CONIFERS BROADLEAF TREES Trees that produce their seeds in flowers rather than cones tend to have broad leaves. Most broadleaf t ...
Plant reproduction Flowering plants and cone-bearing plants (such as conifers) are seed producers. Most flowering plants reprodu ...
PLANT REPRODUCTION 91 O Flowers attract insects, birds, and mammals, which come to feed on nectar. Bees also collect pollen. Onc ...
LIVING WORLD Animal life There are more than 1.2 million identified species of animal, making this the largest kingdom of living ...
LIVING WORLD FASTEST The peregrine falcon can swoop at a breathtaking 220 mph (360 km/h) in unpowered flight. The fastest creat ...
Mammals Mammals are vertebrates that feed their young on milk produced by the mother. The milk is made in her mammary glands, wh ...
LIVING WORLD There are five species of mammal that don’t give birth to live young, but instead lay eggs. They are called monotre ...
Mammal record breakers Mammals come in a staggering variety of forms and have mastered almost every habitat on Earth. They walk, ...
The blue whale is the largest living animal on Earth. Its voice carries up to 500 miles (800 km) through the ocean. Cheetah Acin ...
98 Killer carnivores Many animals are described as carnivorous: it means that they eat meat. But there is also an order of mamma ...
■ Length 5½–8¼ ft (1.7–2.5 m) ■ Weight 330–550 lb (150–250 kg) ■ Location Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia Lions are the only b ...
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