Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
of the answers arouse suspicion or come across as
insolent, th<' drow attack.
If combat erupts. reinforcements arrive every ld4
rounds. Each wave of reinforcements consists of
2d4 drow plus ld4 giant spide rs that crawl down
from rooftops.

A drow priestess ofLo lth accompanied by a drow
elite warrior and 2d4 drow is out surveying damaged
sections of the city. Merchants and crafters who
confront the priestess, claiming to have lost everything
in Demogorgon's attack. are banished to the Braelyn.
Locals driven mad by the demonic invasion are brought
before the priestess and put to death.
If the characters approach the priestess claiming to
have vital information about the demon attack. they can,
with a s uccessful DC 20 Cha risma (Pe rsuasion) check,
convince th e priestess to escort them to Matron Mother
Quenthcl Baenre (see "Private Meetings" late r in this
c hapter). If the check fails by 5 or more, the priestess
a nd her escort attack the party.

The characters s tumble upon a spiders' nest containing
4d6 giant spider eggs with soft. sticky shells. Each
egg weighs 20 pounds and has AC 6 and I hit point.
Disturbing the eggs attracts ld4 giant spiders, which
descend from nearby rooftops to defend the nest.

The characters stumble upon a 9-foot-tall statue of Lolth
depicted in her drow form. There is a 25 percem chance
that the statui' was toppled during Demogorgon's
rampage, in which case it lies in pieces on the ground.
If an intact statue is touched by a non-drow or
otherwise defiled. the statue opens its mouth and
disgorges a swarm of insects (spiders). These spiders
c rawl down the sta tue and attack whoever touched or
defiled the statue. Once the statue disgorges a swarm.
its mouth closes. and it can't release another swarm
until I hour has passed.

Eastmyr bridges the gap between prosperous Duthcloim
a nd the down-and-out despair of the Braeryn. It is home
to common merchants, tradesfolk. mercenaries, and
crafters either making their way up the social ladder
or trying to slow the downward descent of shifting
fortunes. Though this area suffered relatively little
damage during Demogorgon·s rampage. its population
has swelled with formerly high-profile drow forced out
oftht>ir homes and holdings.
If you want a random encounter to occur as the
characters make their way through the Eastmyr district,
roll a d20 and consult the Eastmyr Encoumers table. or
choose an encounter that you like. The party can avoid
random encounters in Eastmyr by succeeding on a DC
15 Dexterity (Stealth) group check.

C IIAI'lL k 15 I tHl' CITY Of SPI D£R:S

d20 Encounter
1-5 Bregan D'aerthe spy
6- 10 Cult ofuy"
11-15 Drow foot patrol
16 - 20 Scroll from Narbondel's Shadow

See .. Duthcloim" for more information.

Eastmyr has become a haven for a group of drow driven
mad by Demogorgon's rampage. These drow carve the
symbol of Demogorgon-a Y with curled ends-into
their palms and foreheads, and they can hear the twin
voices of the Prince of Demons talking to them. telling
them that they will rise from the dregs of drow society to
greatness once the nobility is cast down.
The characters encounte r a group of ld4 + 4 drow
cultis ts wearing cloaks and cowls in the midst of
kidnapping a low-ranking drow noble. If the characters
kill four or more cultists. the rest flee like rats. Sounds
of combat attract the attention of a drow foot patrol (see
··ourhcloim'' for more information), which arrives in
ld6 rounds. Any cultists that escape flee to a crumbling
tenement a block away that the cult has converted into a
shrine to Demogorgon. The shrine contains ld4 shadow
d e m ons as well as 2d4 drow cultists. each of whom
has a "second head'' (in the form of a severed drow head
on a pole) that the cultist has lashed to his or her body.
Painted in wet blood on the shrine's floor is a familiar
·'Y" symbol.
Development. The drow noble offers no reward to hi!>
or her rescuers and chastises the drow patrol for not
arriving sooner. If the characters demand a reward. the
noble frowns and gives them an ins ignia bearing the
mark of his or her house, the n instructs the characters
to visit the noble's estate "when the light of Narbondel
reaches its zenith" to receive their "reward.'' If the
characters visit the noble's estate in Narbondellyn at the
appointed time, they a re set upon by the house guards,
who have orders to eliminate them and dispose of the
remains (see ·'Narbondellyn·• for more information on
drow noble estates).

See "Duthcloim" for more information.

A cloaked half-drow s py named Shinzi approaches the
characters when they a rc alone and gives them a scroll
bearing an advertisement for arbondel's Shadow,
the "finest rooming house in Menzoberranzan." if the
party includes non-drow. Shinzi says that non-drow are
.. more than welcome at the Shadow." The advertisemen
doesn't list any prices. but on the back of the scroll is
a map marking t he location of the rooming house in
northeastern Eastmyr, near the Clawrift.
Development. Narbondel's Shadow. which wasn't
damaged during Demogorgon·s rampage. offers some
of the best food and lodging money can buy. but the
cost is high: 25 gp per night. per person. A strongheart
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