Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
The following are a few key drow phrases you can use
when roleplaying dark elves.
0/oth plynn dos! ("Darkness take you!"). a common
drow curse.
Ssusson! ("light!"), another drow curse.
Xun izil dos phuul quorthen, Iueth dro. ("Do as you are
ordered, and live.'')
Lolth tlu mol/a. ("Lolth be praised.")
Lila/uri velve zhoh Iii velkyn uss. ("The best knife is an
unseen one.")
Kholess nouuss. ("Trust no one.")

The characters happen upon a group of ld4 - 2 drow
from one of the eight ruling houses that live atop the
plateau. These "lesser nobles" wear the insignia of
their house and are hunting gricks for sport. They try
to make short work of any trespassers they encounter.
Roll a d8 and consult the Drow Ruling Houses table to
determine which house they belong to. If the result is
House Do'Urden, the drow are actually Bregan D'aenhe
initiates on a training exercise (sec "House Do'Urden··
later in this chapter).

d8 House
1 Baenre
2 Barrison Dei'Armgo
3 Faen Tlabbar
4 Mizzrym
5 Fey-Branche
6 Melarn
7 Vandree
8 Do' Urden

The shrieking of this fungus might attract other nearby
crt-atures. which arrive in 2d4 rounds. Roll again on
t he Kyorbblivvin Encounters table to determine what, if
anything. shows up Treat an ''t'xotic fungi" encounter as
"no encounter."

These bloodsucking pests lair in the cap of a giam
mushroom. fluttering out to attac-k when they detect
light or motion within 20 feet of their roost.

These fungi extrude their branches and attack when the
characters pass between them.


The most dominant feature within the city. 1 arbondel
is a 1.000-foot·tall column of rock that helps supporr
the ca,·ern ceiling. At the same time each day. the city's
J\rrhmage (or a representati\•c from Sorcere) magically
heat'> Narbondel's base. causing the stone to glow. The
band of warm light rises slowly up the column to mark
the passage of time. taking tv.cnt} four hours to reach
the top. The Arch mage of Mcnzoberranzan. Gromph
Baenre. has fled the city in the wake of Demogorgon's

C, J I \1'1 f II luI !"HE CITY OF ~PIUII!~

auack. leaving the task of lighting Narbondel to a host of
other wizards.

The estates of the various drow houses are clustered
beneath the plateau of Qu'ellarz'orl in an area called
Narbondellyn. allowing the superiors of those drow
to literally look down upon them. Largely unrouchcd
during Demogorgon's rampage. the so-called
"Broad Streets" district remains the bright center of
Menzoberranzan. as rhe lt-sser houses vie to outdo
each other in shows of wealth. power. and influence.
Soaring stalagmite towers and great manors rise aero~-.
the area. which is also home to luxury shops. pleasure
houses. and discriminating merchants.
A noble estate in arbondellyn maintains its own
militia. consisting of fifty or more highly disciplined
drow warriors and drow elite warriors. with one elite
warrior for every ten drow warriors. In addition, an
estate holds 3d6 drow nobles and scores of slaves.
6d6 of which can be pressed into defending the house.
These fighting slaves are usually bugbears, ogres.
orcs, or quaggoths. Doors and windows are protected
with glyph of warding spells (spell save DC 13). and 2d6
gargoyles watch for trouble from ledges and rooftops.
If you want a random encounter to occur as the
characters make their way through the Narbondellyn
district. roll a d20 and consult the Narbondellyn
Encounters table, or c hoose an encounter that you
li ke. The party can avoid random e ncounters in
Narbondellyn by succeeding on a DC 13 Dexterity
(Stealth) group check.

d20 Encounter
1-3 Beholder
4-7 Bregan D'aerthe mercenaries
8-12 Elite drow patrol
13 - 16 Noble entourage
17-2 0 Statue of Lolth

This monster is passing through the city. The drow gin
it a wide berth.

Bregan o·aerthe was instrumental in driving the
demons out of Menzoberranzan. Since the incursion.
Bregan D'acrthe mercenarie!> have taken to patrolling
the streets of the wealthier districts, accepting payment-.
from drow nobles for the added security.
The characters encounter a group of 3d4 male drow
elite warriors- all mernbt-rs of Bregan D'aerrhc.
Unlike most drow patrols. this group is gregarious and
jovial. The mercenaries stop the characters to ask th<•ir
business. but more to alleviate boredom than to thro"
their weight around. Unless the characters brazenly
declare their intention to attack a noble house, the
Bregan D'aerthe leader flips them a platinum coin and
cheerfully sends them on their way after concluding his
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