Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
Vizeran's ritual is completc,jarlaxle plans to send
Bregan D'aenhe spies to find Vizeran and steal the
grimoirc, so that he has evidence he can lord over
his brother.
Vizcran's plan is appealing tojarlaxle because it
doesn't cost him anything. As long as the adventurers
are committed to driving the demon lords back to the
Abyss,jarlaxle keeps his Bregan o·aerthe forces on the
sidelines. ready to defend Menzoberranzan.

Tf the party gains the support of jarlaxle Baenre. award
each character 1,500 XP.


At some point as the characters explore
Mcnzoberranzan, Grin Ousstyl confesses that his
master Vizcran has not been entirely truthful with the
adventurers. (If Grin didn't accompany the characters
to the city. he pursues and eventually catches up with
them to share what he knows.)
Grin has studied Vizeran's work in crafting the
dark heart talisman and its associated ritual to draw
the demon lords together, and he believes that the
ritual will have its intended effect regardless of where
the talisman is placed. It doesn't need to be placed
in Sorcere, or even in Menzoberranzan. Placing the
talisman there only ensures that the drow city becomes
the site of the demon lords· battle-and might well be
laid waste in the process. If pressed. Grin admits that
he isn't absolutely certain that Vizeran·s ritual will
work if the talisman is placed elsewhere. He's not as
learned or powerful as his master.
Grin encourages the adventurers place the dark
heart elsewhere and, in so doing, arrange a different
battlefield for the demon lord showdown. He refuses
to go along with any effort to leave the talisman in
Mcnzoberranzan. [f the characters intend to place the
dark heart as planned, they need to find some way to
convince Grin or ensure his silence. Alternatively, Grin
can betray them to the nearest drow patrol. disclosing
Vizeran's pfan in the hope of saving the city.

The information the adventurers need to better
understand the ritual that summoned the demon
lords into the Underdark is in Gromph Bacnre·s
sanctum within Sorccre, Menzoberranzan·s academy
of wizardry. The arch mage"s quarters ha\'e been
declared off limits by Matron Mother Qucnthel Baenre.
who's trying to cover up Gromph"s involvement in the
devastating attack on Menzoberranzan.
The adventurers can safely enter Sorcere with
the aid of Matron Mother Quenthel Baenre,Jarlaxle
Baenre, or members of the Council of Spiders. Once
inside, the characters on their own. as none of these
NPCs or their agents want to be connected to the
adventurers if things go awry.

The whole tower is protected by permanent guards and
wards spells. The tower's drow residents are immune
to the effects, but intruders are not. If the characters
have the support of the Council of Spiders. members of
the council give them a password which, when spoken
aloud inside the tower. grants the speaker immunity
to the spells· effect for I hour. After that. the password
magically changes, and any characters still in the tower
must deal with the guards and wards effect.

lnside Sorccrc. the characters might encounter drow
wizards as well as their apprentices. familiars. and
other magical creatures. If they enter with Quenthel
Bacnre·s permission, they can avoid most trouble with
the tower's inhabitants. Otherwise. stealth and caution
will be important.
Have the characters make four DC 13 Dexterity
(Stealth) group checks from the moment they enter
the tower to when they reach the arch mage's sanctum.
Each failed group check results in an encounter from
the Sorccre Encounters table. The characters make the
same checks while exiting the tower.
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