Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1

to find it. Any creature with 12 Hit Dice or fewer that
approaches within 5 feet of the secret door without
speaking the word khaless ("trust") triggers an
imprisonment spell (save DC 17). On a failed save. the
creature is trapped in minimus containment inside a
gemstone in Gromph's inner sanctum (described in the
next section). The trap ceases to exist once a creature
becomes imprisoned. A successful dispel magic (DC 19)
cast on the secret door removes the trap.
Opening the secret door requires a knock spell or
a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check to
assess and manipulate its magic. Beyond it lies a dark
void that can't be dispelled or destroyed. Anyone or
anything that touches the void is instantly transporred
to a labyrinthine dcmiplane similar to that created
by a maze spell. A creature that succeeds on the DC
20 Intelligence check to escape the maze reappears
in the middle of the outer sanctum. However. if a
creature casts a spell of 5th level or higher while in the
demiplane, all creatures and objects in the demiplane
instantly appear in Gromph's inner sanctum instead.

The collection of rare books and scrolls in the
archmage's chambers is worth 15,000 gp. assuming the
characters have the means to haul it out. A character
who spends 10 minutes poring over the collection
can make a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check. On a
successful check, the character confirms that Gromph's
grimoire isn't among the books in the collection and
also identifies the collection's five most valuable tomes,
worth 1,000 gp each. However. one of these valuable
works is trapped with a glyph of warding that triggers
the th ird effect of bestow curse (save DC 17), and which
lasts until dispelled.
The drawers of the desk are sealed with arcane lock
spells. Picking a drawer's lock requires thieves' tools
and a successful DC 23 Dexterity check. A knock spell
or a successful dispel magic (DC 15) cast on a drawer
removes its magical lock. When opened, the drawers
are empty. An effect similar to Lcomund's secret chest
shifts the drawers' contents into an extradimensional
space when anyone other than Gromph opens them.

Read the following text to players whose characters
escape Gromph's demiplane (see "Gromph's Outer
Sanctum") and appear in the archmage's inner sanctum.

This circular chamber is lit by magic candles and
floored in black stone, engraved and inlaid with magical
diagrams In silver and gold. A female drow stands in the
center of one magic circle, hands resting on her hips.
Behind her, shelves and cabinets hold ceramic pots,
glass vials, and other arcane paraphernalia, while a tome
bound in black leather lies open on a lectern, its pages
covered in spidery glyphs. The only exit appears to be an
archway filled with a black void.

Any creature that touches the dark void is whisked away
to the demiplane that separates Gromph's inner and
outer sanctums (see the previous section for details).
A yochlol demon in drow form- Lolth's messenger
ro Gromph-is imprisoned within the magic circle. It
pretends to be a drow priestess named Y'lara for as long
as the disguise is useful. claiming to have been trapped
in the circle by the archmage a fter failing to convince
Gromph not to cast his spell (a lie). The demon tries
to get the characters to free it by breaking the circle.
whereupon it attacks and tries to kill them. As long as
the circle is intact. the demon can't leave it and doesn't
have I ine of effect to anything outside of the circle. The
yochlol does whatever it can to prevent the adventurers
from leaving with Gromph's grimoire (see "Treasure'').
The characters can bargain with the trapped or
defeated demon. It is reluctant to tell them what it
knows, but angrily answers questions in exchange for
its freedom. The demon tries to convince the characters
to release it before it tells them what it knows, and any
promises it makes are forgotten once it is freed.
The yochlol was sent by Lolth to ,;assist" Gromph with
his ritual. knowing that it wouldn't work as intended.
When Gromph lost control of the ritual, he fled the
city, but not before trapping the yochlol. The yochlol
knows that Gromph's inability to harness the faerzress
is the reason why the ritual failed. but it doesn't know
Gromph's presem whereabouts. If the characters ask
''Y'Iara" what Lolth stands to gain from Gromph casting
the ritual, the demon replies, "Chaos.''
lf the yochlol is killed, a character who investigates
the grimoire can confirm beyond doubt that Gromph
was responsible for bringing the demon lords to the

Gromph's grimoire rests atop the lectern near the circle
and bears the title Zhaun 'ol'/ea/ ("The Book of the
Eight" in Elvis h) and describes rituals for summoning
and binding powerful demons. It's open to a chapter that
talks about the summoning of Demogorgon.
The various arcane components and ritual items in
the workroom are worth 1.000 gp total. A 6,000 gp
diamond also sits on a small stand atop a workbench. It
contains any creature trapped by the imprisonment spell
that guards the secret door in Gromph's Outer Sanctum.

If the party acquires Gromph's grimoire. award each
character 1,500 XP.

By the end of this chapter, characters should havt'
Gromph's grimoire and certain knowledge of the
archmage's ritual in their possession. Given Grin
Ousstyl's information, the characters are faced with
a grim choice- place Vizeran's dark heart talisman
in Menzoberranzan or in some other location. lf they
decide to leave it in Menzoberranzan. they must also
decide how to deal with Grin, and possibly the wrath of
jarlaxle Baenre as well.

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