Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1

If the battle takes place in a populated area such as
Mem:oberranzan, the characters spot bystanders under
attack by lesser demons that prefer to take on easy prey
rather than fighting against their own kind. A dozen
dretches or manes (50 percent chance of either) attack.
killing and consuming their mortal victims unless the
adventurers intervene.


After running any events you wish from "The Battle.~
the struggle between the demon lords comes to an end
as Dcmogorgon proves why he is known as the Prince
of Demons.

The sounds of battle finally die away, the ground before
you stained black and red with demonic blood and ichor.
In the terrible grip of Demogorgon, even the mighty
Orcus looks almost small. Tentacles hold the Demon
Prince of Undeath in a crushing grip, slithering across
the maggot-riddled Aesh of the horned demon, as they
tighten mexorably. A strangled gasp issues from the
demon lord's throat as a horrific crunching sound echoes
throughout the cavern and his skull-topped wand clatters
onto the Aoor.
Demogorgon casts aside the limp form, which melts
away as Orcus returns to the Abyss that spawned him. The
Prince of Demons throws back his two heads and roars
his triumph. As he does, his nearer head turns, burning
eyes raking across the battlefield. Filled with bloodlust and
battle rage, the demon lord searches for another target.

Determine the characters' starting positions based on
their actions during the battle. Demogorgon should be at
least 80 feet away from them initially, unless the players
specifically stated they were remaining close to the
demon lord.
Demogorgon has been wounded during the fight,
giving the characters an edge in the battle to come.
Apply the foll()wing penalties to the Demogorgoo stat
block in appendix 0:

  • Demogorgon has 290 hit points remaining and can't
    regain hit points due to the disruptive nature of
    Vizeran·s faerzress-empowered ritual.
    He has only one use of Legendary Resistance remain-
    ing for the day.

  • His feeblemind innate spell is expended. as are all but
    one use each of dispel magic, fear. and telekinesis.
    With all the other demon lords banished back to
    the Abyss, Oemogorgon becomes the focus of the
    disruptive power ofVizcran's ritual. This imposes
    a - 5 penalty to his attack rolls, ability checks, and
    saving throws.
    Even in his weakened state. rhe demon lord remains
    a terrifying opponent, attacking the adventurers in a
    howling fury as battle is joined.

If you prefer, a demon lord other than Demogorgon could
be the victor of the demonic showdown and the final
foe of the campa1gn. This is particularly appropriate if
the adventurers earned the ire of a specific demon lord
during the adventure (including juiblex or Yeenoghu).
Alternatively, one or more of the characters' backgrounds
might be tied to a particular demon lord.


When Orcus is defeated. he drops the Wand ofOrcus
(see chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). which
falls to the ground. A party member can try to grab the
wand before Dcmogorgon seizes it as a trophy, but any
such theft draws the attention and ire of the Prince
of Demons. Angry at its master's defeat, the Wand of
Orcus tries to attune itself to the first willing creature
other than Dcmogorgon that touches it. The attunement
is instantaneous, allowing the wand's properties to be
used during the battle.

If the characters reduce the Prince of Demons to
0 hit points. they disrupt and destroy his material
form. Shrieking and gibbering, the Prince of Demons
disintegrates as his foul essence is cast back into the
Abyss. ending the demonic threat to the Underdark.
If the characters fail to destroy Oemogorgon. see
"Demon Lords Triumphant.''

The conclusion of Out of the Abyss can be relatively
quick and straightforward ifVizeran's scheme is
successful and the heroes are victorious. The survivors
of the battle against the demon lords can make their
way out of the Underdark to report ro a grateful alliance
of surface-world factions that the threat is ended.
.Major loose threads left hanging at the end of the final
battle include the following.

After recovering Gromph Baenre's grimoirc from
Sorcere in chapter 15, the characters might think about
what to do with the dark tome once the threat of the
demon lords is ended. The knowledge and power the
book represents are dangerous in anyone's hands-
especially Vizcran OeVir's, given what the characters
know of him. However, the dro\v arch mage doesn't gh·e
up the gr imoirE" willingly.
Finding a means to get rid of Cromph's grimoire once
and for all could be the basis for continued adventures.
perhaps even leading characters into the Abyss (see ''[nto
the Demon web Pits"). Alternatively, if you arrange for the
book to be stolen from Vizeran before the characters can
deal with it. they might need to recover it to ensure its
powers are never misused again.
If you prefer to tic up loose ends concerning the
grimoire, you can have it banished into the Abyss along
with the demon lords. It might be reclaimed by Lollh or

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