Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
a s uccessful DC 20 Strength check. A character
can unlock the manacles using thieves' tools with a
successful DC 15 Dexterity check. The manacles have
15 hit points. The iron collars can be broken with a
successful DC 20 Strength check. The collars have
12 hit points. A character who fails a check to break a
collar, break a set of manacles. o r escape from a set of
manacles can't a ttempt checks of that kind again until
he or she finishes a long rest. A character can still use
the He lp action to aid another character. however.


The characters begin the adventure in the slave
pens of Velkynvelve. Stripped of everything but their
underclmhing, they are at the mercy of the dark elves
and in the company of othe r prisoners, many of who
aren't what they seem.

Captured by the drowl You wouldn't wish this fate upon
anyone, yet here you are~locked in a dark cave, the
cold, heavy weight of metal tight around your throat and
wrists. You are not alone. Other prisoners are trapped in
here with you, In an underground outpost far from the
light of the sun.
Your captors include a cruel drow priestess who calls
herself Mistress llvara of House Mlz.zrym. Over the
past several days, you've met her several times, robed
in silken garments and flanked by two male drow, one
of whom has a mass of scars along one side of h1s
face and neck.
Mistress llvara likes to impress her will with scourge in
hand and remind you that your life now belongs to her.
''Accept your fate, learn to obey, and you may survive.''
Her words echo in your memory, even as you plot
your escape.

Assume that each player character has been a prisoner
in Velkynve lve fo r ldlO days. (Roll separately for each
character.) The c ha racters spend most o f this time
locked in the s lave pen, emerg ing occasionally under
heavy guard to perform menial cho res fo r their captors'
amusement (see "Hard Labor'').
Feel free to play o ut any interaction between the drow,
the player characters, and the other prisoners. This is
an opportunity to reveal who the characters a re and ro
flesh out their backgrounds and personalities through
roleplaying, even as you introduce some of their fellow
prisoners. llvara's newest consort, Shoor. wants to
impress his mistress. while]orlan. her former consort.
sullenly does his duty but casts a curious eye over
the prisoners. Any hostile move is met with poisoned
crossbow bolts from the drew. and possibly a strike
from Tlvara's scourge or a ray of sickness spell. The
giant spide rs attack and poison a nyone who attacks
the dre w. The drew don't kill any of t he prisoners
(leaving the m unconscious at 0 hit points) but have no
compunc tion about beating them.

Velkynvelvc's slave pen is closed with a heavy iron gate
bolted into the stone. See area 11 for more information
about the s lave pen, including options for opening or
breaking through the gate.
The prisoners are provided with clay chamber pots,
and one of the duties o f s laves .is to empty them into the
pool during their shift. There are no other comforts in
the slave pen. Prisoners must sit or lie on the stone floor,
and a re fed only once each day-a thin mushroom broth
served in small c lay bowls passed through gaps in the
bars of the gate.

The player characters have not been idle during their
capt ivity. Have each player roll a d20, and add the
numbe r of days (ldlO) that player's character has been
imprisoned in Ve lkynvelve. The res ult determines what,
if anything, the c haracter has in his or her possession
when the adventure begins.

Result Item
10-12 A gold coin
13-15 A living s pider the size of a tarantula
16-18 A 5-foot-long strand of silk rope
19-21 A flawed carnelian gemstone worth 10 gp
22- 24 A rusted iron bar that can be used as a club
25-27 A flint shard that can be used as a dagger
28 -3 0 A hand crossbow bolt coated with drow poison
(see "Poisons" in chapter 8 of the Dungeon
Master's Guide)

The c ha racters are held with ten other prisoners.
captured during v<Jrious raids a nd likewise awaiting
trans portati on to Mcnzobt;:rranzan. Some can expect to
be sold as s la ves, while others await death at the hands
of the drow or their pets. Regardless of what they might
think of the adventurers and each other-outside the
slave pens. all t he NPCs have good reason to cooperate
in order to escape and survive.

Prince Derendil

Eldeth Feldrun

Jim jar

Sarith Kzekarit
Shuushar the Awakened
Topsy and Turvy

Talkative and cunnmg derro
Quaggoth who daims to be a
cursed elf prince
Shield dwarf scout
from Gauntlgrym
Deep gnome with a
gambling problem
Ore bully
Drow accused of murder
Kuo·toa hermit and mystic
Myconid sprout
Deep gnome wererat twins

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