Acquisitions Incorporated
Ncvercmber has levied heavy taxes against wealthy merchants and the aristocracy. Acquisitions I ncor- poratcd maintains signifin ...
Development. If the characters question the defeated bandits, the criminals admit to working for Moguhl from time co time, but t ...
Like much of the city ofNeverwinter, the Hall of Knowledge is cur rently under repair. Although some of the temple was damaged b ...
lf the characters defeated the statues, they have the thanks of Grand Scribe Liethennson. He is reluctant to allow anyone other ...
If the characters care to help, they can challenge Cap- tain Athgar. The (mostly) good members of the crew can handle the bad ap ...
Lighthouse Ground Floor =Wardrobe Bed 4th Floor " Spiral Staircase Terrarium of Glass =Chest 3rd Floor 1 square =^5 feet 0 "Rune ...
Light. The lighthouse is mostly dark. Two lanterns full of oil hang within each level on the east and west walls. Window slits s ...
stantly behind schedule, given how much time the franchise members spend away from the lighthouse adventuring. One of those adve ...
halffjngs. Its members had gained enough prestige and capital to acquire the lighthouse, which under- goes an endless spate of r ...
are restocked in magazines set under the outside edge of the catwalk. This will likely only be important if the characte rs deci ...
130 A blinding flash leaves an indelible mark in your brain as you step into the lens. When your vision clears, you find yoursel ...
When the talk becomes serious, Hoobur tells the characters he's willing to le t them walk away right now. taking Wizzy and Talan ...
SUPER-SECRET BASEMENT The kindly old wizard who built the lighthouse and its underground laboratory went by many names over his ...
On initiative count 0, the buzz saw moves up to 20 feet in a random direction on rollers. then makes a melee attack against a ra ...
l'H It takes the replica modrons 5 rounds to reassemble the station. As they make progress, the hum from the s tation intensifie ...
Development. If the characters release Stevie. the modron is grateful for the rescue and happy to share its story. The construct ...
136 BUSINESS ls EXPANDING Having a small castle estate in Phandalin is cool. But having a lighthouse on the Sword Coast might be ...
TRAVELING TO LUSKAN The City of Sails is located far to the north of the Sword Coast, and the journey there can be as eventful a ...
A sharp, icy wind whistles through South Gate as you enter Luskan. The shops and taverns lining the main thoroughfare of the Cit ...
find their ways to buyers. A result of^15 or higher on this check also imparts that like most fixers, Eriss is hesitant to engag ...
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