with an NPC spiritual guide. or any other suitable
endeavor. Setting up the exercise incurs expenses of
from 50 gp to 250 gp per franchise rank. as determined
by the OM.
R esolution. Each character or staff member partic-
ipati ng in team building chooses anoth er participant,
then creates a negative story connection to a bond, ideal,
or si milar element of that participant's backstory. T he
players come up with such connections for their own
characters. T he DM creates connecti ons for franchise
staff, either on their own or in consultation with the
pl ayers. (Characters and staff member s do not need to
pair up. If everyone else in the franchise has a particular
probl em with one character. so be it.)
Each char acter and staff member th en makes a Wis-
dom ( Insight) check. With th e OM's approval, different
ability checks and skills might be allow ed if they relate
to the specifics of the team building exercise. A partic-
ipant has advantage on their check if the DM decides
the stor y connection was particularly clever or well
rolcplayed. A ll checks gain a +1 bonus i f one of the char-
acters taking par t in the activity is a dec isionist.
Each check i s compared to the Team Building table.
The outcome of the check can help redefine the relation-
ships between individual characters. and can establish
the tone of r oleplaying between char acter s and fran-
chise staff. Some outcomes also involve a team buildi ng
memory that provides a potent benefit (see below).
Check Total Benefit
1- S The participant uncovers deep-seated issues
between themself and their chosen partner.
6- 10
11 - 15
16- 20
If this is a character, they have disadvantage
on ability checks made in the presence of the
partner until the character undertakes this
activity again. If this is a staff member, they are
traumatized and leave the franchise unless the
characters can convince them to stay.
The participant did not benefit from the team
building exercise. but avoided serious trauma.
The participant was able to work through one
or more issues. If this is a character, they have
advantage on the next check they make during
a franchise or downtime activity.
The participant sees themself and their connec-
tion to the other participant in a whole new way.
If this is a character, they have advantage on
the next check t hey mak e during a franchise or
downtime activity, and they gain a team build-
ing memory (see below).
21+ The participant has had an awakening, gaining
a deep se nse of who they can become and their
connection to their partner. The character has
advantage on the next check they make during
a franchise or downtime activity, and gains two
team building memo ries.
CllAPtF R 2 I G RO\'!Nt. YOUR fR \NCJllSE
Wa·' t • we re · a te ., I
· · am. tho ug h
c nt 111 es w ith t. I we were inde d
emporanly a ligned goa ls. p e n ent
-J\lorg a-n
Team Building Memor ies. The most potent personal
changes inspired by team building can last a lifetime.
Or at l east an encounter. A char acter who ear ns a team
building memory gains an extraordinary ability t hat can
be used once. As a bonus action, t he character gains one
effect of the enhance ability spell for 10 minutes (no con-
centration required).
A character can retain team building memories only
from the most r ecent instance of this activity. If a char-
acter has unused team building memories and under-
takes this activity agai n, th ose memories are lost.
Complications. At the DM's determination, every
team building exercise has a chance of creating a com-
pl icat ion as things ger r eal, yo. The OM can choose a
complication or r oll on the Team Buildi ng Complica-
ti ons table.
d6 Complication
The team building activity i s revealed to actually be a
death trap, an island of doom, or a similar challenge.
The OM determines whether this was an honest
mix-up, t he act of a disgruntled staff member, or the
actions of a rival.'~
Upon hearing what took place during the team build·
ing exercise, uninvolved staff members decide that
the franchise is subjecting them to too much trauma.
Some staff members might threaten to quit, o r decide
they want more benefits.
It's revealed that the team build ing exercise was set
up by a rival as an opportunity to ambush the partic-
ipants, or to attack the franchise headquarters while
the characters were away.*
The participants learn way too much about each
other. Each character participating i n the activity
must select a bond, ideal, or similar background
aspect from their partner and come up with a story
explaining how this becomes a conflict for them.
Staff members who d id not participate in the team
building exercise feel left out, and morale drops at
the franchise. The characters must find a way to raise
staff spirits that does not involve running this activity
A staff member involved in the activity is secretly a
member of a rival organization, or has been duped
into doing that organization's bidding. During the
team building exercise, the rival organization plans
to steal franchise secrets or destroy the participants'
*Might involve a rival